A warning about toxicity. A MUST read.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8391309#post8391309 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NanoCube-boy
Sucks to here that you gotten stung by a Jelly, glad you're okay. people don't usually make it threw, and that's scary.

Sorry, but what don't people normally make it "threw"???
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8481668#post8481668 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hllywd
Sorry, but what don't people normally make it "threw"???

Is there really a need to go there?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8481309#post8481309 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JDrex
I just got bit by a blue ringed octo. What should i do?

If you're going to remove the educational value of this thread, I may as well just lock it. I fail to see any humor there, and would appreciate you taking your humor attempts to the Lounge.
Sorry about the comment, its just that I don't think that it is fair to throw people into a false panic which was what I was intending to do with that blue ringed octo joke. I guarantee you lots of pople got rid of their zoo's b/c of being misinformed by paraniod aquarists on this forum and thats just sad. I guarantee you have a greater chance of dying from a falling vending machine than you have sticking your hands in your home aquarium.
lol I was just thinking about comparing this to the blue ringed octi. If he had been bitten, he would not have had the time to make a post. But anyway I guess some zoos are similar to the blue ring.. just because the blue ring can kill doesnt mean all octopi are deadly.
My understanding is that Re: Blue-ring Octopus for the longest time until maybe 15 years ago you could say "NO ONE WHO WAS BIT, LIVED". But as I understand it, the good news is there is now an anti-venin that has been developed. The bad news is that A)it must be administered within 20 minutes, and B) it is all in Australia, there is none in the U.S.. At least that WAS the case. So it won't help you with your pet here. As we said to new hires, "see that?, if you get bit, run to the phone and call mom and say goodbye." It made them understand. But too, I once had one crawl across my hand, and wondered if you could feel it when they bit. I understand like many animals it just about takes harassing a egg-guarding female to get bit. My encounter was accidental, which that wouldn't have changed the outcome had it felt threatened, or been aggressive, and struck in defense. You wouldn't be reading this post !! :):)

Let's be careful out there folks
well i just got off the discovery channels mythbusters website :) and i forwarded them a link to this thread.... maybe they will investigate the issue? i will keep everyone informed if they contact me back.. i never use gloves when working in the tank although i probally should for obvious reasons.
I don't put much faith in their methods one way or another. That's a whole other thread in itself. One for the lounge.
dono...it sure would be cool if they would investigate the issue that would put the debate to rest. if or until then i persionally am neutral. i beleive that the oceans hold the key to curing many desieases so it would not supprise me if it were true. until then DO NOT EAT YOUR ZOA"S!!!!!:) but please don't be scard to keep them either there is something called a placebo effect.....
It's unfortunate but this issue will not be put to bed. AGAIN, I'm not disputing that palytoxin will kill you, IF you find it, and IF you introduce it into your system, and IF the dose is right, and IF... My point is the only evidence is that somebody told somebody that told somebody that told somebody that some zoas killed a dog or made there buddy's wife's uncle sick. See the Urban Legend pattern here?

I personally believe the unfounded scare tactics and fear mongering being so freely waved about in this thread doesn't even belong to the lounge.

I guess common sense isn't so common in these parts, it's a shame a few posts have some people worried enough to wonder if the should keep a reef tank at all.

That said I'm unsubscribing from this thread.

My point is the only evidence is that somebody told somebody that told somebody that told somebody that some zoas killed a dog or made there buddy's wife's uncle sick. See the Urban Legend pattern here?
I see the urban legend pattern there.
I actually had a case of getting shot in the eye by a zoanthid (i was propgating outside of awuarium. after going to the hospital and spending a few nights there, i will tell you that they have some sort of toxin in them. i had washed my eye out immediatly and was not affected until the next morning. then i slowly started losing my vision. took two weeks to fully heal after shots, eyes drops, and fluids. i do beleive they are dangerous!
Did they ever identify the irritant? Knowing more specific detail about your experience, namely your symptoms, would be cool. Best not to jump to conclusions about what, exactly, caused them. I didn't start this thread for fear mongering, but for knowledge.

I maintain that it is possible for palytoxin to exist in some of our tanks, but I think many of the scares talked about in this thread were brought upon by other factors. That, however, doesn't mean we should blow off the entire idea compleatly.

Equally in responce to hollywood. ~