I had read somewhere that the toxin in the corals most sold to the public were not as toxic as the exotic ones in the wild (except those found at trade shows). This could make sense (the prettier the deadlier?).
My symptoms started that day, my eye just burned like fire a lot, but not all the time, just everyone once in a while, and i couldnt do anything about it. The next morning is where it started, my eye had turned 95% RED. about ten times worse than the "Clear Eyes" commercials! It hurt pretty bad too, but I dealt with it, and went to work. Throughout the day the pain just got worse and worse and I couldnt stand it, so i left work early. I went home, did some reasearch, found out about the toxin and freaked. Then i read it owuld kill you within minutes and now it had been a little over 24 hours. So i went to UMC Qucik care. I didnt expect them to do anything because these people are idiots. They examined my eye and told me I looked fine, jut some swollenness and redness. I had brought in papers from zoanthid.com and wiki about the corals and toxins and she called poison control. Poison control was afraid i would die and told me to immediatly go to the hospital. Since i wasnt dying i ignored it and decided that if it got worse i would go.
The next morning it begins...
I had woken up, but as scary as it may sound, I could only see out of one eye, and i didnt know why. My parents had come in to see if i was doing any better, saw my face, and said get dressed we are going to the hospital. My eye had been inflamed so much that it stuck out about the size of a tennis ball. We got to the hospital and after a lot of eye tests (and I HATE things touching my eye!) they told me that i had abrasions on my cornea, and severe inflamation (duh!). There was obviously something in this zoanthid that was causing an infection in my eye. Supposedly since i had washed my eye with water immediatly after contact, it saved my eye from any toxin, since the eye is a sponge for the bloodstream, but it got all around my eye. They sent me to an eye surgeon.
This guy did even more tests for my eye. He had founf out there wasa severe chemical burn on my cornea. Inflamation was out of control on my eye. He had called poison control, other doctors, and even doctors in Hawaii assuming they would have heard of this case. No one knew what to do, but the Hawaiin doctors claimed they have had people die from touching zoanthids with cuts on their hands, but no one has ever gotten it in the face.
He prescribed me eye drops for imflamation, irritation, lubrication, infection, and an all around healer eye drop. He also had given me a shot to stop any spread of infection and a shot to lower inflamation. Then I was given pills for all the above symptoms also.
As time went on it got harder to stand it, due to the pressure on my eye i had CONSTANT sinus headaches. My eye also teared constantly, trying to fight of any infection (plus my tears were bright yellow). I went home after that doctor visit to rest and take my meds. I hated resting because due to me tearing up all the time, even when i sleep, when i would wake up, the tears would have dried around my eyelashes and caused a seal on my eye, which was a pain to remove because it hurt to even touch my eye.
I eventually got the eye to be less swollen so i could open my eye about a 1/4 of an inch. Then came the worst and scariest problem. My eye was yellowish and I oculdnt see at all out of it. I immediatly went back tot he hospital and they didnt knwo what was causing it. They assumed the pressure from the imflamation, but they said that should be gone after 4 hours or so, and i had been there 6 hours with no improvement. They kept me there over night. They had constantly washed my eye out about 8 times, each time being 60cc of saline wash and used many medical eye drops to figure out what would work. By morning time (after struggling with the eyelash problem) I could barely see again. My eyes were Extremely blurry! I was still practicaly blind, not even able to make out shadows in the eye. the kept me again over night to make sure my eye wasnt slowly dying (I guess that was a possibility?). The next day I went startight to the opthamologist (eye surgeon) and he examined my eyes again, the stain had gotten bigger and still had no idea how to treat it.
to make time og faster, as the week went on, it slowly got better and better, by 5 days later i could see at 75% of what my eye used to be like. bye 6 days the inflamation was completely gone, but my eye was still reptty red and blurry and hurt, especially looking to the sides. went back to the doctor and he said the corneal stain was smaller, but still there. They washed out my eye again a few times, since there was a chance that the toxin would be slowly reaching my cornea casing me to go blind. He would dialate my eyes to check the back of my eye.
one week later i went back to the doctor and the stain was "gone" or hiding he said. My eye will just slowly get better and better. it is as of right now, barely pinkish yellow. He said it would be 2 weeks till it iswhite again.
Long term affects are that my eye is a little bit lazy, it doesnt open up as much as my good eye. This could be caused by damaged tissue or the swolleness stretching my skin too much, says the doctor. Also my vision in both eyes was PERFECT before, and my good eye still is, but my bad eye, i have to struggle to read the 20/20 line on the tests. i can get close sometimes, but then its just a guessing game. This is what happened to me. Will i still mess with corals and stuff, YES! i will definitely wear eye protection and gloves now, but i cant stop my hobby.
I am actaully an aquatics manager at a PetCo (i know flame me, but atleast i know what I am talking about and wont sell anything unless i know it will live and be happy!), and I used to be an aquatics manager at PetSmart (flame away?) for over two years. I have taken down my reef tank and turned it intoa FOWLR. But one day, i will start up a reef again!