A. Yongei - growth after one year

Omar H

New member
For comparison purposes, here are pictures of my coral after one year in the tank. Unfortunately, I've never really put them next to a ruler to take measurements.

A year ago...





Plus, I already have frags from this coral...


Just wanted to share.

Omar :strooper:
Kzoo, I run Ushio 10k DE on PFO reflector and PFO magnetic ballast.

Montepora, I bought it as Yongei and in all the pictures I've compared it to, it had always looked like Yongei to me. However, I'm not close to the possibility that it may actually be another species. Also, I realize that just because the vendor (online, not LFS) labeled it as Yongei, doesn't guarantee anything. Thanks for your thoughts.


I fyou touch it does it slime unbleieiveably? Long strings of slimes coming off the coral for quite awhile thereafter? Ther is a reason why Yongei is also called a "slimer". If it slimes like that, you probably have a yongei.
Nice coral but it doesnt really look like my green slimer. Also I've noticed on mine that the slime is actually green too. Has anyone else noticed this...weird.
Doesn't look like a slimer to me. That's a good thing too. Also for a slimer your growth should be very fast. They grow insanely quick. While the growth on that is nice indeed, it doesn't look like one. It is very nice though and imo nicer then a slimer.