AC Jr. controller display problem


New member

I have recently set up a new AC Jr. with a DC-8. I have the following setup:

A01 = Actinics
A02 = 10K
A03 = Sump pump
A04 = Power Head
A05 = Heater
A06 = Skimmer
A07 = Fan
A08 = (nothing yet -- set up as "AUX" and is on manual always "ON")

The odd thing is my heater channel used to show the heater icon (the triangle), but now it shows a "U" where the icon used to be. I can't find this anywhere in the manual. At some point I also noticed that one of the icons was an "M", but the M wasn't there for very long. What do these mean (M and U)?

Its in the manual page 5 uder Run Display

M - Manual mode on
m - Manual mode off

U - indicates that the timers is undefined becouse none of the program statements associated witht eh timer have ever been true.
Thanks. I found it. It's on page 7 of my manual. That makes sense for the U. It seems to show up for the heater whenever I program something and return to "run" and the temp is inbetween my "turn on" point and the "turn off" point.

I have the heater set up to turn on at 78.1 and the next line in the program is to turn the heater off at 78.7. I'd like to add a line that turns the heater off if the temp is ever less than 70 (probe could have come out of the water), but I wonder how the unit would evaluate that:

If Temp < 78.2 Then HET ON
If Temp > 78.6 Then HET OFF
If Temp < 70.0 Then HET OFF

Will that work the way I want it to? 70 is less than 78.2 so will it leave the heater on or turn it off?
Yes it will work the way you want it to. The last true statement has the highest priority. In your example if the temp is less than 70 then your heater will be off.
