I have a 6 gallon fluval edge that I have converted to a reef. My goal with the tank is to have mostly coral and inverts however I wanted to have one fish in the tank as well.
First I put a clown goby in the tank and it died due to a scale disease. After that I decided to put in a clown fish in and it then died due to velvet. So after the fish both died I started having flash backs of my old tank and how much money I had lost on fish. Sometimes it was ich, sometimes it was because they would not eat other times it was a sneaky serpent star. Needless to say lots of money lost.
So I decided to go a different route. I had known that there were several fish that could make the transition from fresh to saltwater such as Molly's and puffers. I had remembered hearing guppies could as well but it was a little more difficult.
A guppy would be great I thought, they are $3 and attractive as well as small.
I went to the LFS and got a guppy that I liked. The LFS looked at me like I was nuts cause they had not heard of this being done with guppies before only Molly's.
Took the little guy home and began setting up his home for the next three days.
The set up is a small bucket with two liters of fresh water, a heater and air pump for agitation. I mixed 3 liters of salt water at 1.040 and set up a drip line dripping at one drop every 20-30 seconds.
I'm at about 36 hours and the guppy is still looking good.
He is eating flake food and is calm. Salinity is currently 1.009 and rising.
For me this is alot of fun and very interesting. I'm excited to bring him over to the marine world and am interested to see his behaviour in a reef.
Here are some pictures so far and I will keep the post updated.
First I put a clown goby in the tank and it died due to a scale disease. After that I decided to put in a clown fish in and it then died due to velvet. So after the fish both died I started having flash backs of my old tank and how much money I had lost on fish. Sometimes it was ich, sometimes it was because they would not eat other times it was a sneaky serpent star. Needless to say lots of money lost.
So I decided to go a different route. I had known that there were several fish that could make the transition from fresh to saltwater such as Molly's and puffers. I had remembered hearing guppies could as well but it was a little more difficult.
A guppy would be great I thought, they are $3 and attractive as well as small.
I went to the LFS and got a guppy that I liked. The LFS looked at me like I was nuts cause they had not heard of this being done with guppies before only Molly's.
Took the little guy home and began setting up his home for the next three days.
The set up is a small bucket with two liters of fresh water, a heater and air pump for agitation. I mixed 3 liters of salt water at 1.040 and set up a drip line dripping at one drop every 20-30 seconds.
I'm at about 36 hours and the guppy is still looking good.
He is eating flake food and is calm. Salinity is currently 1.009 and rising.
For me this is alot of fun and very interesting. I'm excited to bring him over to the marine world and am interested to see his behaviour in a reef.
Here are some pictures so far and I will keep the post updated.