It's my studied belief that acclimation (badly done) probably kills more fish than diseases and accidents. Why? There's a sticky-thread up there atop the forum that explains the chemistry of it. Here are the facts.
Acclimation is about only 2 things. 1. temperature differences 2. salinity differences. The rest of them (given a tank that is ready for fish and bag water that is survivable) are not a problem.
Your fish is in a bag with limited oxygen; and the sooner out, the better in that regard. If you're going to acclimate, do your whole process WITHIN 30 minutes!!!!!!! This prevents death from chemical changes in the water.
1. float your UNOPENED bag for 15 minutes. This will help equalize the temperature. If you have gotten an extraordinarily cold bag (shipping), go longer, but DO NOT OPEN THE BAG. See the article in the stickies, for why.
2. then (step 2) open the bag and immediately measure the salinity in the bag, and in your receiving tank (your qt). If they are equal, do not delay: put the fish into the new tank, discarding the water in the bag. Nothing further needed.
If they are not equal, start adding a gulp of water every few minutes to bring them equal---remembering that that fish needs to move to the new tank within 30 minutes. So keep testing salinity in the bag, and keep adding water, and yes, faster than a drip is ok. Your fish can handle a change in salinity if it's minor and if he has time. So just keep at it: every few minutes, more water. Once your difference between bag and tank are down to .002 on your salinity tester (get the instrument you look through like a spyglass) you are good to move that fish over immediately.
Acclimation is about only 2 things. 1. temperature differences 2. salinity differences. The rest of them (given a tank that is ready for fish and bag water that is survivable) are not a problem.
Your fish is in a bag with limited oxygen; and the sooner out, the better in that regard. If you're going to acclimate, do your whole process WITHIN 30 minutes!!!!!!! This prevents death from chemical changes in the water.
1. float your UNOPENED bag for 15 minutes. This will help equalize the temperature. If you have gotten an extraordinarily cold bag (shipping), go longer, but DO NOT OPEN THE BAG. See the article in the stickies, for why.
2. then (step 2) open the bag and immediately measure the salinity in the bag, and in your receiving tank (your qt). If they are equal, do not delay: put the fish into the new tank, discarding the water in the bag. Nothing further needed.
If they are not equal, start adding a gulp of water every few minutes to bring them equal---remembering that that fish needs to move to the new tank within 30 minutes. So keep testing salinity in the bag, and keep adding water, and yes, faster than a drip is ok. Your fish can handle a change in salinity if it's minor and if he has time. So just keep at it: every few minutes, more water. Once your difference between bag and tank are down to .002 on your salinity tester (get the instrument you look through like a spyglass) you are good to move that fish over immediately.
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