Acer's new build thread

You guys are funny. I'm wondering how I'm going to keep my tank below 82 degrees this summer without a chiller and there you are talking about 74 degrees water.

Sorry, no insight on fish compatibility. One would think that your tank is big enough for them to live in peace in opposite corners. Apparently not. Personally, I've always striven to have as peaceful of a tank as possible. Tangs, gobies, some wrasses... This hobby is challenging as it is, no need to add unnecessary problems. You know, there are lots of really cool wrasses out there. Small, reef safe, peaceful with great coloration and personalities. I would stock the tank of your size with 50% tangs, 30% wrasses and 20% small peaceful fish like gobies, butterflies, etc. Just think, no aggression and with these many tangs, no algae problem ever. :D
I have heard where people remove the aggressor to the sump or other tank for several months.
Change the rock in display a little here and there, and then reintroduce him back.
Also I have an acclimation box that seems to work well, I have used it several times for wrasses.
It's big enough for a CB, u can borrow anytme.
And +1 what Blink said "œDwarf angels can be a model citizen and then wake up one day and be your worst nightmare ..." He may never change.
OK - quick update. Have been testing ALK daily- after getting "advice" from several of you about the need to do so. I reduced the ATO Kalkwater to 2 tablespoons of Kalk to a 5 gallon ATO reservoir. Started at 9.5 and now down to 9.2. Have been contemplating how to catch my coral beauty and rehouse him - I do have a fish trap- but expect that I will probably catch nearly every other fish before him as he tends to worry about other fish instead of food. Anybody want a large very nice Coral beauty Angel who is a bully - let me know.
Today I traded in the coral beauty and the royal gramma and the black clown. Will be getting additional new fish soon. I picked up a blue sided wrasse today in the trade and of coarse my Melaranus wrasse went for him immediately , but I got to the light programs and shut them down quickly which mellowed everybody out. SO, hopefully , the new fish will be accepted tomorrow. What the heck- why are all my fish nasty?? i had to take the whole display apart to catch the Coral beauty and the Royal Gramma today and then put the rock back in a different way - so figured there would be enough confusion to sneak the new fish in. WRONG!!
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lol Ted, I do feel your pain on this. I think some initial aggression is to be expected, even from the most peaceful species. It is only a problem if aggression persists. Give them some time, melanurus are usually quite peaceful.
Well- new things= time for an update: The Melaranaus wrasse calmed down and the new wrasse was doing great in 2-3 days. Also I purchased three new fish from "Among the reef" - a Copperbanded butterfly, a male Blue throat trigger, and a Blue sided flasher wrasse - all looking good and eating our local homemade food . I also donated 90% of my large Hollywood stunner coral to the local reef club to frag up in the club fraging coral workshop. At that same club meeting I obtained a few new corals. So, tank is looking very different. Pics to follow later today.
Update: lost the copperbanded, i think to starvation. He was a picker, and the other fish are aggressive eaters. Anyhow new picks:

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Photobucket is really starting to stink..... Now I have to update my account to view other's pictures.

I think I'm done with them.
Well thanks to Drone's help - I got a pic to work in prior post vie editing. Had to email pic to myself in "small mode" - then grab it. Not sure how well it looks. But what are ya going to do.

OK - this one actually worked directly from PHotobucket

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20170813_161157106_zpsicjpny5m.jpg"/></a>


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OK well try again: directly from PC this time after downloading from photobucket:


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Well , live Aquaria had a code at MACNA. So decided to try a more difficult fish= multi bar Angel. Received today. Looking good so far.
ok here we go- he is pretty shy:


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He finally ate today= brine shrimp soaked in Selcon with live black worms. Yeah!! He looks great, but was getting worried as getting this species to eat is the hard part of the battle. Of course, the other fish in the QT are eating like pigs.
I keep a blue green Chromis in QT to keep it ready. Then just got the multibar Angel and the Foxface. QT= 40 gallon cube with a Remora skimmer and a Tunze small variable wave pump. Water change about 10-20 gallons per week from main tank to QT. The QT tank water is thrown out and new water is put into main tank.