Acer's new build thread

Due to continuing Hair algae issues, I am thinking about starting a treatment with Fluronazole. Have seen a few thread with it helping a great deal without any negative side effects to other inhabitants.

Due to continuing Hair algae issues, I am thinking about starting a treatment with Fluronazole. Have seen a few thread with it helping a great deal without any negative side effects to other inhabitants.


This last weekend I pulled all my rock and did a peroxide dip. Very pleased with the outcome and only minor cuc losses. Killed all my GHA, turf algae and bubble algae. No idea about fluconazole. Good luck.

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Ya- not sure about that much work, LOL. Cant figure it out , never had this type of hair algae - it just grows and grows in little balls in the substrate. Don't know if it is a rock that is leaching, really bad substrate , or what. I do not over feed= once time per day, lately using live black worms and every other day spot feed corals. The skimmer is working perfectly - have to clean out the cup from the sludge being produced every 5-7 days, changing out the filter socks every 4-5 days, wash- then bleach- then rewash , then dry. I did muriatic acid acid bath this summer on all the rock.

Getting some new substrate this weekend- since by pulling out the sand with the sticky Hair algae I am now down to an inch or less in places. So, will vacuum the substrate and pull out as much HA as possible. Then add about an inch of new ,very well cleaned, substrate on top.

I think it may also be my T5 lights. They are toward the front of the tank , and I noticed the algae is much worse in the front of the tank. So, will shut off the t5 lights for a while as well.
hydrogen peroxide works wonders as stated above. I've seen the best success with pulling the rock out and either dunking it in the h202 or spraying the rock with it.

When I had some algae issues I just stuck 400 snails and 100 hermits in my 125g and I had no more algae.
Where did you get the snails/hermits? At $1-2 each or more that is a bit more than I am willing to spend for livestock that have no future = starve and die, or the snails will be killed by the Hermits in a month or two.
OK cleaned/picked the algae yesterday, got as much out of my substrate and off the rocks as I could. Last night I did obtain 2 x 15 pound bags of "Reef Flakes" and I unplugged the T5's as I am doing everything I can think of to stop the hair algae. Today I took out one big rock that has the tougher algae on it - May be Bryopsis, but not sure as the rock surface is very uneven. Anyhow, took it out and replaced it with a rock that was in the refugium that has no algae on it. I then took out about 10 pounds of live substrate that was on the bottom of my refugium and added it to the front half of the display tank - where I am having the biggest issue with hair algae growing on my substrate. The rock I took out of the display tank with the algae on it I placed in a 5 gallon bucket with 32 ox of Hydrogen peroxide and about 2.5 gallons of tank water - took that much to cover the rock. Because of the diluted solution ( 32 oz/ 2.5 gallons) - I left the rock "soak" for 30 minutes. Then rinsed well with spayed RODI water and placed the rock in my refugium. Will see if the algae continues to die off or not. Next, I rinsed 15 pounds of new substrate " Reef Flakes" in tap water until the water coming off the substrate was nearly clear. Then I rinsed with RODI water, then added it to the refugium bottom. Pics to follow.

Display with sand from refugium and one new rock.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20170319_171010148_zpsimiyzgcx.jpg"></a>

Refugium with new substrate, and rock from display after peroxide soak.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20170319_171127254_zpsykb5wdgh.jpg"></a>
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Re-arranged the refugium so that rock gets no light and I separated my 2 macros from each other as the cheato was infiltrating and killing the red grape calaurpa. Will check it in a week or two to see if any algae remains.

I also lost my flame Hark I got form John K - somehow he had gotten over weir and into the overflow and went down the 1 inch full siphon drain into the sump- in spite of netting. He was pretty beaten up when I found him 2-3 days ago in the sump, and lasted till today after I caught him and moved him back up into display. So, I took out my netting looking for a possibility of how the hawk got thru and sure enough- about a 1 inch gap in one of the corners. So, I took out the netting and gave it a good washing to rid anything caught in it,etc. Replaced it and made sure that corner was not open. Guess what, today I noticed one of the clowns was missing and sure enough I found him in the overflow box. He must have gotten over the weir 2 days ago when I was washing the netting - REALLY!! stupid fish...
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My clownfish took a few rides to the sump. Eventually I got the gutter guard properly situated in the overflow and it hasn't been a problem since. Hopefully he doesn't go looking for gaps. Sorry to hear about your fish loss.

- Ivan
Well Last evening, a few hours after I got the black Clownfish into the display -again. I noticed the other clowns were really picking on him and basically forcing him into the netting- no wonder he went for a ride. So, now he is in the QT along with the Chromis. So, if anybody want a very nice ,dark, nearly black Perc clown for cheap. let me know.

Received new T5 24 inch bulbs from bulk reef. Decided to try Geissman super Actinics instead of ATI blue+. My immediate impression is they are not as bright, but that may be ok as i dont want to start an Algae farm on my sand again.

Also recieved reef cleaner package of snails. Hopefully, provide additional algae control.

Still having some corals getting light and losing color, and some are browning. Will try the Elos Omega amino acid product to see if that helps coral colors or not.

Parameters will be tested again and posted soon. Have been consistently changing filter socks, and doing 20 gallon water changes. Have been slacking on testing parameters though.
The trochus did well. But since reef cleaners had a sale going on with free shipping. I purchased a reef tank package of a bunch of ceriths, nerite, etc. I think they called it a 75 cleaner package.
Sorry I was quoting you.
Ted, you have to test daily for a while and see where your numbers are going.
I don't know what salt you use, but your alk may be going up and then down and then back up.
Are you dosing alk, ca & mg?? You have to test often.
What's the corals looking like under your one radion? What's the radion intensity set at?
Radion ramping up slowly from 10 am till 80% at 1 pm, then ramps down at 6 till 10 pm. Tried to mimic that same lighting on the reef breeder 24 light. No dosing as alk, ca ,mg all have tested in range. I use auto top off with kalk water. Yes , totally agree, my testing has been lacking.

Using Reef Crystal salt.
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Interesting, I just made a batch of reef crystals tonight.
I mixed at 1.026 sg and I got 12.5 alk and 1650 mg.
Those numbers are way off from my normal mix reading of
11.5 alk and 1300 to 1350 mg.
I test alk almost every day & each new water change I test alk, ca & mg.
So tonight I only changed 22 gal of water, I also kicked back my doser from 200ml
Of alk & 200ml of ca to 66ml of each for one night.
What I’m trying to get across here is know where your numbers are at daily,
and change things SLOWLY.