Ya- not sure about that much work, LOL. Cant figure it out , never had this type of hair algae - it just grows and grows in little balls in the substrate. Don't know if it is a rock that is leaching, really bad substrate , or what. I do not over feed= once time per day, lately using live black worms and every other day spot feed corals. The skimmer is working perfectly - have to clean out the cup from the sludge being produced every 5-7 days, changing out the filter socks every 4-5 days, wash- then bleach- then rewash , then dry. I did muriatic acid acid bath this summer on all the rock.
Getting some new substrate this weekend- since by pulling out the sand with the sticky Hair algae I am now down to an inch or less in places. So, will vacuum the substrate and pull out as much HA as possible. Then add about an inch of new ,very well cleaned, substrate on top.
I think it may also be my T5 lights. They are toward the front of the tank , and I noticed the algae is much worse in the front of the tank. So, will shut off the t5 lights for a while as well.