Achilles tang new, 2 days in tank, not eating and first ich signs

Try feeding the Achilles live brine.

A lot of the sources for fish either at your LFS or online feed their fish live brine.

Worth a shot for a picky eater.

If he starts eating the live brine, start adding prepared foods with the live brine while feedings for he associates it as food.

Also selcon soaked nori.
Thanks for the replies. He started eating today and is looking pretty good. I still don't have an answer for latest question in last two posts so let me try to be specific.

My fish will be in qt for 72 days while dt is fishless. Of those 72 days how many initial days would you use cupramine in the qt (30 days?) and follow without cupramine for remainder of 72 day period?

Next question: should an aquarist add new fish to a ready to go ich free dt, how many days would be recommended for:
1. Qt without meds to see if fish has ich before treating (or would you just treat every fish preventatively?)
2. If fish does show ich, how many days of cupramine before adding back to dt
3. Would you have a period after cupramine treatment in qt to prove ich is cured before adding fish back to dt, if so how long?.

Thanks. I'm going cupramine route and not asking about ttm or hypo salinity.
30 days of Cupramine and the remaining 42 days plain saltwater.

Do not add any invert to the main display. If you do, the 72 day clock starts over.

For the rest, please read the sticky.
Hi Andrew,

I know this was years a go but could you please share whether things worked out in the end with the achilles? Just wondering what happened and what to do myself.
Hi Andrew,

I know this was years a go but could you please share whether things worked out in the end with the achilles? Just wondering what happened and what to do myself.

Do you have an achilles tang in a similar situation?
When I had an outbreak of ich an oversized UV sterilizer took care of the problem.

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