ACIII PRO Temp Probe is way off


Premium Member
I have discovered my poor tank has been running pretty cold the past couple weeks do to my ACIII PRO temp not being calibrated with my ACIII PRO.

According to Curt, even the probes that are not including with the ACIII PRO have an offset of 1-2 degrees. MINE had to indication of it being offset.

The PH and TEMP probe I purchased with the ACIII PRO a few weeks ago came in seperate boxes so I have no idea if the temp probe was calibrated with my unit.

Please look at a the thread below because now I'm in a guessing game of what temperate my tank is. I could have been running my tank with a 4 degree difference which isnt good.
I was following your thread with Curt on this. I believe he has gotten you taken care of, just wanted to make sure?
