Acrylic Baffle thickness?


New member
Im doing a 30 long sump with acrylic baffles for bubble traps.
what thickness do you recommend? would 1/8" do?
Let's make sure everyone knows that this is only for the baffle and NOT the sump itself... 3/16 for the center portion is fine... for the other 2 parts of the baffle, i'd use 1/8. It's not supporting any weight since there's water of equal level on both sides so anything over 3/16 is overkill IMO.
I use the 1/4" acrylic for 3 reasons:

1) it is relatively inexpensive at Home Depot; you can use the cheap "hobby grade" acrylic since it is for baffles (the thicker material is not much more money compared to the thinner).

2) it provides a larger gluing footprint and withstands a fair amount of clamping force without bowing as opposed to the thinner acrylic.

3) When finished and done properly, it provides a very strong structural rigidity to the sump walls; the entire sump will be a much stronger unit overall.

I use solvent-type acrylic cement to set in place...then carefully clamp with large "U-clamps" to the outside of sump (only $12 at Harbor Freight Tools) and then outline all the edges of the baffles with weldon #16 (similar tecnique as "caulking")

Caution: Be certain to slightly round the bottom corners of each baffle before installing since sumps rarely have perfect inside corners...the slightest force can crack the bottom of the sump due to the "point" of the baffles being directed into the sumps weakest area. (trust me, from experience!)

Yup! 1/4 acrylic is the best.


If you need Cast Acrylic let me know I can get you at the whole sale price as I mentioned to you.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6873829#post6873829 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by UnlimitedReef
Yup! 1/4 acrylic is the best.


If you need Cast Acrylic let me know I can get you at the whole sale price as I mentioned to you.

Does this offer go out to ALL Kevins
I normally use 1/4, but used 3/8 on my last one as I had it on hand. In my experience, make the tops of the baffels as smooth as possible with no nicks. Flame polish is best. I assume you are using a glass tank, so bevel the bottom corners to miss the silicone in the seams. Slightly bevel the edges of the baffels for better adhesion. Don't make the baffels real tight at the sides so you dont stress the tank walls. Space the baffels about 1 inch apart.
i'm gonna space the baffles 1.5" - i got the baffles 11 15/16 thick for a 12" space...any smart ideas how to silicone everything into place cleanly and with accuracy?