Ok the good news is that the crack - unlike most people that post here about cracks - can't go any further. Normally the advice is "drill a hole at each end to stop the crack, then patch on both sides". You have built in holes on both sides of the crack.
The bad news is that you really do need a patch. The only way to get a solid watertight seal is to force something into the crack to expand it a bit (like T-pins, that I used to use for assembling model airplanes) so that you could get the solvent in there (weldon #3 or #4) enough to fill the crack without instantly bonding, give it 10-15 seconds, then pull them out. Or, you laminate both sides with a patch. The patch only really needs to cover the crack, but in this instance, you also would need to surround the hole because that's where the bulkhead is seated.
You might be able to get away with a patch on the outside only, given that this is in an overflow and depending on what you have the water level set to in the overflow, it might not be under a full water column of pressure.
But there is something you can do. Solvent in the crack as best you can. Laminate over the bottom and don't cut the holes yet. Then get yourself a jar of weld-on 40, mix up some, and pour this into the overflow. The stuff is like goo and it will self level. Let it cure for a few days, then drill it out. You might need to do a bit of sanding to get the bulkheads to seat/seal just right but that should do it.
Go to Dustin's thread here
posts 1380 through 1414 for a similar issue (or at least a similar solution)