Acrylic scatches

If your tank is full, I documented the process of scratch removal with pictures and video in this thread.

If your tank is empty, treat it like automotive paint. Wet dry sand paper paper starting in 1000 or even 600 grit depending on how deep the scratches are and work your way up to 5000 grit one stage at a time working a wider area with each grade of paper. Then get some micro grain clear coat safe buffing compound and a high speed buffer. Use that for the first buffing pass and follow that up with some good automotive polishing compound or use the Novus 1, 2 and 3 acrylic polishing compound after wet sanding.
I actually had to do this years ago. I bought a wet/dry kit from somewhere I don't recall, but as slief said you start with roughest grade and work in one direction to cover scratch. Move to next grade and work in opposite direction only. Next grade, opposite direction and so on until you get to the finest grade where it basically feels like you're rubbing wet paper over the acrylic. After that you shouldn't see the scratch from the front anymore nor should you see swirls. You may however see it from the rear side as looking through a side pane at the back of the front panel. Sometimes algae forms weird there too as its no longer perfectly flat anymore.

I did it while the reef was up and running, under water. The skimmer and overflow took out the fines, and I believe they're inert to the tank inhabitants anyway.

Good luck!
You would need to sand the scratches down smooth then polished it out with the 3 step acrylic polish kit.

if it's a deep mark, sand it down with 700/800 grit sand paper in the opposite direction of the mark. Once it is sanded down to smooth, move to the next grit (1000 - I always skip 200 grit per step) sand it down in the opposite direction as the 700/800 grit. Continue till you reach 1600 or 1800 grit, at this point wipe's things clean and start buffering with the polish kit.

its a lot of work so I wish you the best. a mechanical sander is best if you can get your hands on one.