Acrylic tank


Just set up my acrylic tank 110 gallons acrylic and when I was setting it up I scratch the front of the tank how do I Get the scratches at now that it is fill ?
Thanks George


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Very fine sand paper, then buffing compound, then polish. That's on the outside of the tank. If it's on the inside just fine sandpaper somewhere around 2000-4000 grit
Very fine sand paper, then buffing compound, then polish. That's on the outside of the tank. If it's on the inside just fine sandpaper somewhere around 2000-4000 grit

Depends on the scratch if its what you would consider a fine scratch 2000 then 3000 and that will buff it back to new.....if its a deep scratch you will be wasting your time with the 2000 and will need to drop it down to 1300-1500 for a few weeks of just general buffing once or twice a week and before you know it will be gone then step it up to the 2000 then the 3000 to finish it off.....I just wrap my magnet with a waterproof paper....stop by Jorge I have the paper....this is the beauty of acrylic just think if you would have done that in glass it would have been permanent
Depends on the scratch if its what you would consider a fine scratch 2000 then 3000 and that will buff it back to new.....if its a deep scratch you will be wasting your time with the 2000 and will need to drop it down to 1300-1500 for a few weeks of just general buffing once or twice a week and before you know it will be gone then step it up to the 2000 then the 3000 to finish it off.....I just wrap my magnet with a waterproof paper....stop by Jorge I have the paper....this is the beauty of acrylic just think if you would have done that in glass it would have been permanent

Ok will you be available tomorrow for me to stop buy ? It will be a road trip for
Me I live in boynton beach so the early the better like 10 pm would work ? Pm me you address if that's ok with you .
Another option for inside the tank - I've had a lot of success using the 3M buffing pads (sold in the headlight restoration kits at any auto parts store). They'll take out light and medium scratches, and leave you with enough of a smooth surface you can't see it with water in the tank.
