It was the July 2011 registration and first-ever post on an
aquarium message board in the off-topic scuba section - and then asking about snorkeling for the first time ever and then heading out to the dive on the next day that drew my flag. (it was just shades of nemo and dory in a 10 gallon flashbacks....

) It just seems there are other places - perhaps more appropriate - to ask questions about getting into snorkeling and diving.
But, if it's legit, then great. Several people here have good advice, and I certainly agree about the good fitting masks, being comfortable and talking with your divemasters/guides, although... I'm shocked that no one has addressed the "resort dive" and not advised this person and his wife to spend time in a classroom and pool setting before heading out to the ocean on a dive. But, that is me, and I would - and always will - advise someone to get properly certified before doing an open water dive, even if it means staying at 20-30 feet for the entirety of the dive.
Take a full breath of air at a very shallow 30 feet, and then ascend to the surface without exhaling and see what happens (but really... don't do that). Every certified diver (or physics major...) on this board just gripped your chest in anticipated pain, didn't you...?
Snorkel away until your hands turn to prunes - just watch out for the boats and jet skis. I just do not believe that you can learn what you need to in a day or less and be considered "good to go" on a dive, even if you are staying right by the divemaster's side. But again, that is just me, and that is my advice.