I'm going to pick up a 5 to 6" hippopus tonight. The clam has sustained life in there lps tank for about a month. They are using b-inoc (2 part) and feeding DT's in this system. The clam is responsive. When looking at over the top the clam almost looks to be receeding from the top rim of his shell maybe a 1/16th of an inch. But is still able to close and open.
The tank that he'll be going in is a AGA 75 RR with 2 uhio 10k 175 MH with PC actanic supl. Water flow is mid hieght of the tank and flows nice over my other 3 clams. (t-max croecea dersa)
I'm looking for advise on placement. lighting cycles. feeding. As I know this clam is in stress already.
My water is stable and on the money. The only level that is high would be calcium it's at 480mg/l IMO clams seem to like a little extra calcium. There is a 34 gal reefugium underneath the 75 that is also doing exstreamly well.
Again any advise and or tips would be great.
Thanks all,
The tank that he'll be going in is a AGA 75 RR with 2 uhio 10k 175 MH with PC actanic supl. Water flow is mid hieght of the tank and flows nice over my other 3 clams. (t-max croecea dersa)
I'm looking for advise on placement. lighting cycles. feeding. As I know this clam is in stress already.
My water is stable and on the money. The only level that is high would be calcium it's at 480mg/l IMO clams seem to like a little extra calcium. There is a 34 gal reefugium underneath the 75 that is also doing exstreamly well.
Again any advise and or tips would be great.
Thanks all,