<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14363363#post14363363 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rigleautomotive
revive for 3 or 4 minutes.when i had adult flat worms they would curl up and fall off within the first minute or so.i dont know, i am at a loss.i have been keeping acroporas a long time so i am no rookie,but i know something is not right here.my corals used to encrust the rock and sprout new branched from the encrusted area and now some of these same acroporas will encrust a bit then stn back.its like the new growth is being eaten by something.just as you would see with flat worms but what ever it is ,its not large enough to see.i am hesitant to do the treatment because 30 out of the 40 acroporas i have look fine with no signs but i cant just sit back and watch this any more.