AEFW .. Here we go


Found out this morning I have aefw. Since I have all frags here's my plan... Dip all frags, cut all frags off the plug and remount on new ones to lessen the chance of eggs hatching, continue dipping for 8 weeks or longer if dip produces more aefw. After the first dip this morning and a thorough inspection I found that only 3 frags actually had bite marks at this time ( all from same vendor). I going to continue inspecting before and after every dip for bite marks and eggs.

Any other advice is appreciated.. Thanks
mine came in from Live Aquaria. I am on week 3 since detection. First day twice a day dip and a toothbrush scrub down for eggs. Every day dip for two weeks, starting to see growth now. Haven't found anymore eggs after that first day. I was lucky i had only 3 sps, 1 RTN that first dip. Dont lose hope, there is success stories when people are aggressive.
AEFW suck. You don't need to dip every day, but do need to dip at least weekly for 6 weeks without fail. The idea is the break the lifecycle of the flatworm, such that first adults are killed and then any hatchlings are killed after hatching before laying eggs.
AEFW suck. You don't need to dip every day, but do need to dip at least weekly for 6 weeks without fail. The idea is the break the lifecycle of the flatworm, such that first adults are killed and then any hatchlings are killed after hatching before laying eggs.

That's my plan. Since I only saw 3 with marks, I hope I got them early and it goes with no problems. As for the eggs, I'm hoping mounting on new plugs helps with that and tossing the bases on the old plugs.. Fingers crossed!
AEFW suck. You don't need to dip every day, but do need to dip at least weekly for 6 weeks without fail. The idea is the break the lifecycle of the flatworm, such that first adults are killed and then any hatchlings are killed after hatching before laying eggs.


OP: I beat AEFW about 1.5 years ago. I had over 40 frags/colonies. Still have all. Check out member name "Dowtish". His thread on the subject helped me enormously.

Since then I have enountered a couple of incoming new frags with AEFW and treated them easily too.

Beat them 2 years ago. Kill those vile bastards with fire, needles and poison! :lol: Seriously though I did double strength dips of all frags and colonies including large rocks that were encrusted every six days for just over two months. Have two rinse stations set up and go to work. I even double strength dipped my hawkins. Funny how life and colors came back almost instantly.
Second dip and ask I'm seeing is looks like babies.. I noticed one bigger one, but everything is really tiny
Made this to make it easier to dip my frags since I'll be doing every week. It hangs on the rim of the tank creating s floating rack


Thanks... It was a lot quicker like this, but I also had to use a lot more Bayer than I planned on when I thought of doing this. It took 3 gallons of water to cover the frags and I used 480 ml of Bayer instead of 20 the first time I did it :)
Be careful with using the dipping rack. Because it takes basting or shaking the frag hard in water to release aefw sometimes. If your not swishing each piece in the dip before transfer to a clean water station and doing the same in it, it will be possible for aefw to survive. Using a high strength Bayer dip may help with this but I wouldn't risk one hanging on and coming back to life. Also make sure your inspecting everything vigorously for eggs because they will get laid in the hardest to find places. Either in plain sight where your not looking or in crevices you can't see in, evil little bastards. I have seen them lay eggs in the middle of a stag with only a couple bitemarks and the eggs were laid perfect in the biten area about a 1/2" round. Could barely even see the bitemarks or the eggs because it was a green stag. Good luck! Keep everyone updated and keep the pictures coming.

Also I am glad to see more people not freaking out about aefw these days and learning how to dip to get rid of them. A while back people would freak out and either throw everything away or setup a makeshift quarantine tank and kill half their corals from keeping them in an unstable new tank.