Risky, but it might be OK. They can be eaten by things too... damsels and peppermints can get them. Some have reported that some wrasses will crush them - especially Halichoeres.
Great thread! I to have had aefw for 2 years they dont kill my colonys but do stress them. !
Just to add to the discussion. I am close to transferring all my acros to my upgrade from my temp tank. I treated for AEFW over a year ago using the Bayer method. Everything was great, but recently I suspect I may have them, but I have not been able to confirm. That said, I want to eliminate any doubt, so I was thinking of prophylactically treating for them using this method.
Because all my acros are in an established 30 gallon, I was thinking of using a hybrid method. I have a spare 10 gallon tank I can coordinate a largish water change and treat the acros in the 10 gallon as an extended quarantine. I can add an air stone, and a couple of power heads and even an HOB I have lying aroud. After the 24 hours, I can transfer the acros straight back to the 30 gallon. My thinking is that this will minimize the die off effect. I realize that I miss some free floaters, but could repeat this a few times and do one last Bayer dip before full on transfer to my new build?
Any thoughts on doing it this way? Or should I just nuke the tank? I am carbon dosing so I will need to back that off.
If you are transferring inhabitant in the near future maybe just nuke the tank as the die off wont cause lasting issues due to tank transfer. In the short term manage the effects of die off with carbon and large water changes...its only 30 gallon tank after all.
This might be interesting to some. An AEFW in 3x baseline Lev dosage since 2 hours:
Its a bit shaky since i had to move the container around to get the AEFW in frame.
Its not the most healthy of specimens and is very easy to baste. But its still alive.
Size comparison is 1 swedish Krona. Look it up![]()
Ormet - thanks for the video update.
Is the video taken 2 hrs in the 1st treatment or is it after it survived the 1st treatment?
Just curious about what you did to kill that fw - did it die eventually?
Are you going for the 2nd treatment with the same dose?
Just wanted to know your dosing program for your tank treatment, appreciate if you can elaborate.
Is the 1st treatment dose at 1.5ml/gal and that was the baseline ?
1.5ml/gal should be 0.39ml/L, so baseline is 0.39mg/L - hope I did it right since I have to lookup the gal to liter conversion factor.
Are you into the 2nd treatment at 10x baseline which is 3.9mg/L ?
And you're planing your 3rd treatment at 5mg/L which is 12.8x baseline ?