AGA 180 MF Plumbing help needed


New member
I just brought home a AGA 180 Mega Flow Reef ready tank... thatfishplace didnt have any of the plumbing parts needed so i still need to get durso's for the over flow and im not exactly sure the size of the wholes..

If anyone has the same tank can you tell me the size bulk heads i need to get?
Should be 2 1" holes for drains and 2 3/4" holes for returns. Get 2 of each size bulkhead and you should be money :D
Be careful with the bulkhead hole sizes. AGA drills their holes small so I don't think that standard 1" and 3/4" bulkheads will fit. I used the lightweight ones from savko.

can i get the durso's from there? do they sell lockline? do you have a link for savko??

Anyone else heard anything about smaller then normal wholes?

so with a 1 inch bulk head i would need 1 inch PVC correct?
I found Savko's website but i dont see a lightweigh bulk head that has a 3/4 or 1" hole... or am i reading it wrong?
The sched 80 bulkheads don't fit (wish they did :( ). You are looking for pipe size. The actual hole on the tank is larger than the bulkhead it fits.

You can buy lockline at MD if they don't have it at savko.

So the light weight bulk head with a pipe size of 1" and a hole size of 1 3/4" is what i want for the 1" hole in the tank and the 3/4" pipe size with the 1 7/16" hole size is what i need for the 3/4 return?

Sorry im a big NEWB when it comes to the plumbing of a big tank lol