AGA stream mounting issues

I am not being rude,but I am a litlle frustrated.I did PM you back in September(sorry,I thought it was October).You had all the information you needed,but still kept asking why I needed the screw.I still don't have what I need and paid for, and you still keep asking why I need a screw.I will post the PM's if you like.
Look, I made it simple, PM me your address and I will send you a new install kit. I said that two posts back.
I received a replacement kit(part # 3000.344) from Rodger today.This is a totally different kit-except for the suction cup-than the one I purchased from Marine Depot on 5/13/2003.I think it would help everyone who has had trouble mounting these Streams,to see a pic of the correct kit.
This is what you should get with the kit 3000.244. It is also OK if one screw is not threaded the whole length. Old kits had one full length thread and one 2/3rd length thread.