Ahhhhh..... A place for a Ricordea Junkie!

A few new ones.



stereomandan- thanks

va_reefman- very nice. did you get those from the cherry pick section? must of set you back a little bit eh?:D

Yes, all of those are from the cherry pick section. Some of them Bryan didn't even posted on the page cause I bough it before he had a chance to put them up...hehe.

Here's another pic that kinda showing my whole colection. I am still trying to take some closeup. Still learning my new camera.

Hello all you ricordia nuts.......quick question as I wipe the drool off my face after visited Darren and Bryan's websites. Are the purple with neon green tips pretty common? I hardly ever see them on Darren's website so I figure they must be. Thanks for the great pics guys.
Most of the green varieties of R. Florida are considered common, and are generally in less demand in the marketplace.

However, I find some of the electric green combinations to be particularly beautiful, and sometimes even the most drab R. Floridas will color into spectacular patterns under certain lighting/ current/ PH? / Salinity?/ Nitrates?

It is sometimes hard to tell what color some of them will end up when they adapt to their environment. They are very flexible about almost all living conditions, (except too much current or heat) but they are very unpredictable in terms of coloration. Fortunately, the beautiful ones stay beautiful through all their shifts!


Ricordea Yuma seems to hold color more consistently, although they may lighten or darken, they do not seem to actually morph into something else the way R. Floridas can.

(R. Floridas remind me of Hydrangia (sp?) flowers- (they are pink or blue or somewhere between - depending on the PH of the soil they grow in.) There are some factors in the way these change colors that I have not pinpointed yet, although I suspect it is a combination of environmental changes!)

FWIW, I have experimented with R. Floridas and R. Yumas under 1,000 watt Metal Halide to see how they responded. Within about a month they opened fully and comfortably, as long as they did not have too much current. I am getting some interesting coloration under big lighting, although I find the 250-watt Radiums on Sunlight Supply Pulse start ballasts to be my favorite Ricordea lights. :)

Darren Walker
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Great, so I'm up late at night cruising around... and I figure I'd check out what all you ricordea freaks are raving about. I mean, we all know the SPS freaks in their little forum are up to no good.

So I guess it's time to get up in the AM and shop around for some ricordeas now. Look what you guys have started!!!! GRRR I'm mad at all of you now. ;) But then again, Darren and Bryan will probably be getting another customer in the future. I'm in need of orange in my tank. Reds would be awesome too, and of course yellow, and pink. The only "rare" color that I don't need right now is blue, spent a buttload of cash on blue SPS already. Time to even out the tank with ricordeas now. *sigh* Another expensive thing I want to keep. LOL

BTW great pics from everyone around here. And I think it's nice that Bryan and Darren are both ricordea sellers, but aren't at each other's throats. Both of you guys know the other has great stuff as well, and we can all live nice and happy in here. I will be shopping from you guys.

Hope I will be posting a pic up in the next 12 hours or so. :)
I've had this Ricordea strain for over 10 years. It's time to thin the herd if you know what I mean.

Oh man... I think I got real lucky on my first ricordea. Got me a red polyp for $60! It's actually a highlighter pink right now with a fluorescent green mouth, but it's only been in the tank for about 30 mins. I'll give it some time to expand and adjust and see what it turns out to be. :)

OK here are the pics. No color correction, 250W Hamilton 14k bulbs, 1 actinic VHO, 1 50/50 VHO. The colors here are probably a bit more saturated than they are in real life, but the colors are brighter.... if that helps anyone. ;)


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hey all i have a red pacific ricordia it pictured in ths thread has any one ben sucessfull in cutting the red yumas?? my buddy tryed it and said what he thought was a bacterial infection the they croked how should i go about cutting the shroom divide the cap or cut the cap off??? thanks cam b
Nice looking Ric, Chow!

This is a pic of one of my all-time favorite Yumas- this one was from about 8 months ago. I have some of this variety now that are more colorful, I need some new pics! They look incredible under 400-watt Radiums in a deep tank!

This old pic was under VHO:


Darren and Laurie Walker
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pacificaquatics2000 said:
hey all i have a red pacific ricordia it pictured in ths thread has any one ben sucessfull in cutting the red yumas?? my buddy tryed it and said what he thought was a bacterial infection the they croked how should i go about cutting the shroom divide the cap or cut the cap off??? thanks cam b

You can either cut the cap off or slice a small piece off. I have cut the cap off and sliced them up like pizza and had about 60% of the pieces make new mushrooms. They must be kept under just the right amount of flow, and low light while attaching. (at least that has reduced bacterial infections for us)

The stem grows into a new mushroom, too! With rare colors, I just slice a big fat one in half with a new razor blade, lean a little piece of rock or something to keep it from healing into one big one again, then it will become two shrooms. Slicing them when they are as open as possible is a key to success as well- it does less damage. You only have a second to do that, though! :)

The awesome SuperYuma that I pictured in my previous post was propagated by slicing a piece of the edge of the shroom and leaving it dangling. Note the small clone that formed from a tiny but of goo cut off and left dangling! I have sort of shredded them in places to have 2-3 quickly form a small colony.

Feel free to contact me about any propagation questions- Darren@PalmettoReefs.com .- I have been farming these guys for about a year now in a very obsessive way. :)

Darren and Laurie Walker
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