Ahhhhh..... A place for a Ricordea Junkie!

I had a few given to me yesterday. :D They are quite small, but maybe they'll fatten up more in the coming days.

This is in my 55g with 330w VHO:

attaching ?

attaching ?

Hi All i ordered my first ricoderas from someone on Ebay! There coming tommorrow. What is the best and quickest way to get them to attach to a rock. I read somewhere about putting them on a rock and covering the rock with a piece of pantyhose??? Anyone try this or have a better suggestion? Thanks for the help :)
Hopefully, whoever is sending it to you knows to leave a small chip of rock attached to the foot. Ricordea can suffer when being shipped without being attached to anything at all, and sometimes will not grab onto new footing after the stress of being shipped. (At least not right away)

If there is a small chip of rock, you can use superglue gel to attach it to another rock. Just be sure not to get any glue on the shroom itself- they really hate it.

If it really is not attached to anything at all, you should place it in a small, shallow bowl of gravel in the bottom of your tank. Be sure there is just a bit of flow, but not enough to blow the polyp around. A healthy Ricordea will attach within about a week. Allow more time for the grip to tighten before placing them in current. Good luck!

Thank you for the advice! Ill post tommorrow and let you know how they fared and hopefully theyll be attached to something! Im fairly new to reef keeping so i have to ask .. LOL What is the kind of superglue i can use?? Is it marine specific or is it like crazy glue?? I know its a dumb question but im clueless LOL Thanks again :)
cb747 said:
Thank you for the advice! Ill post tommorrow and let you know how they fared and hopefully theyll be attached to something! Im fairly new to reef keeping so i have to ask .. LOL What is the kind of superglue i can use?? Is it marine specific or is it like crazy glue?? I know its a dumb question but im clueless LOL Thanks again :)

I found the Super Glue <b>Gel</b> that is sold at Walmart worked perfectly.
melev said:
I found the Super Glue <b>Gel</b> that is sold at Walmart worked perfectly.

Same here! It is called Locktite, and has a cool little squeeze bottle with grippers that helps you to use it while wet.

It is thicker than most of the other gels, making it a bit easier to work with also.

Just be sure to grab the gel version and you are set.

Have fun!
Ok my stuff never made it out of Florida......... gotta love FedEx! We shall see how it all goes being packaged up for 48 hours. I couldnt find the Locktite super glue gel---I found a 5 minute epoxy gel made by Devcon. Now for my second dumb question---will the stuff harden up under water? Or do you keep the ricordea out of the water for a period of time while it hardens?? Im new at this glueing stuff to rocks thing LOL
I personally do not use Epoxy, and it is not the same thing at all. It may cause your skimmer to go nuts if you have one.

I highly reccomend some type of Superglue gel- composed of cyanacrolate.
Ok i will find the correct gel! I dont want to poison my tank or anything. One more question and then im done driving you guys nuts LOL How do i go about glueing the stuff to the rock? I assume everything has to be out of the water for a few mins right ??? Sorry about all the dumb questions but im new at this and id rather ask then do something wrong and kill everything :) Thanks again !!
Questions are no problem! That's what RC is about.

I just dry the bottom of the chip of rock that the mushroom is on, put a big glob of the glue on there, then just stick it under water and hold it firmly to where you want it for about 10-20 seconds. Cyanacrolate gel hardens very quickly under water, and it really is just that simple. Again, just be sure not to get glue on the Ricordea itself.
