Lots of Questions!
Lots of Questions!
I have been bitten by the Ric bug also, I got a tri color yuma for 50 bucks and it seems to be doing alright, though I really don't know since I am new to this. It has a black/navy body with orange and red polyps and a yellow mouth. It is priority so please give advice. I also picked up some FL ones for 5-15 dollars a polyp. They seem to be more full than the yuma. I have a 13K 175 halide about 12inches from the yuma and two FLs. The ones I put down in the sand(18") seem to be a lot fuller, I just ran out of room. I put the yuma up higher because I understood it needed more light.
Another thing, my salinity had gotten low and today was the first chance I had to do a water change, back up to 1.023 from 1.0205.
So we will see how that works. What trace elements?
Also, two of the Fls I bought have two mouths, one is starting to pinch. Am I to assume two mouths mean eventual splitting, or will I need to help the process.
Palmetto-What is the mortality rate on cutting off the heads from the stalk? I got a blue one that is about 3" across, and I am thinking of using it as a guinea pig.
Thanks for any and all responses,
I have a new love and her name is yuma!