Ahhhhh..... A place for a Ricordea Junkie!

New Oarnge Yumas

New Oarnge Yumas

I have posted most of my other rics on another thread, but I just got these yesterday. Not a bad price either. There are a total of 5 on the rock and I hope they open up soon.




I hope these ric yumas multiply fast.
i have a question:

what are decent prices on rics? I've heard differing opinions: does it mostly depend on what different people like, or is it completely different?

I know yumas are more, but why are some polyps $10 while others are $100?


It depends on how rare the ric is. Also if your lucky or not, I've seen tri color yumas(very rare) go for $150 or more, but your run of the meal green yumas can go $10-$20 a polyp. I saw one bright oarnge yuma the other day for $80, I got this rock at my LFS for $70 pretty good price. I have a couple that are really bright That I will eventually frag and sell for 30-40 a polyp.
Lots of Questions!

Lots of Questions!

I have been bitten by the Ric bug also, I got a tri color yuma for 50 bucks and it seems to be doing alright, though I really don't know since I am new to this. It has a black/navy body with orange and red polyps and a yellow mouth. It is priority so please give advice. I also picked up some FL ones for 5-15 dollars a polyp. They seem to be more full than the yuma. I have a 13K 175 halide about 12inches from the yuma and two FLs. The ones I put down in the sand(18") seem to be a lot fuller, I just ran out of room. I put the yuma up higher because I understood it needed more light.
Another thing, my salinity had gotten low and today was the first chance I had to do a water change, back up to 1.023 from 1.0205.
So we will see how that works. What trace elements?
Also, two of the Fls I bought have two mouths, one is starting to pinch. Am I to assume two mouths mean eventual splitting, or will I need to help the process.
Palmetto-What is the mortality rate on cutting off the heads from the stalk? I got a blue one that is about 3" across, and I am thinking of using it as a guinea pig.

Thanks for any and all responses,
I have a new love and her name is yuma!

Try moving the yuma down, and it will most likely expand more, also you might want to raise your salinty to 1.025 slowly
I don't know about Yumas, but I got my Rics for a pretty good price. Even the multicolored was under $20.

The Rics close to the light are not expanding as much, but should do well there. The ones lower are expaning more as they try to capture more light. So you will probably be fine putting them anywhere in the tank. I would put them all in a place where you can plainly see them. Some one might chime in and disagree, but this is my understanding on rics.

I think your salinity is too low. You may not be able to keep some inverts with it so low. You should try raising it to 1.025-1.026, I keep mine at 1.026, but anywhere in that range is good.

I thought that two mouths would mean that I would soon have rics splitting, but I have had mine for 4 months now, no splits and 3 of the four have two mouths.
The water change brought me back up to .o22, and I usually keep it at .o23. So I will probably do another small change in a week.

David, you can gradually raise your salinity by topping off with saltwater at 1.023 or better. Each day that 1/2g to 1g of water will increase it to the desired 1.026.
I guess I need to post some pics of my 5$ rics. All three are mainly white, but have accents on the bubbles/polyps/tentacles, whatever you call them...
One is red and orange with orange mouth
One is navy on white with a navy rim
the other is has bright green and orange highlights

I am interested to see if they color up or stay pale, especially the red and orange.

They are all under my halides on frag row down in the sand.

I got a 3ft q-tank with MHs and a 4X2X2 reef, with 150watt MHs on the q-tank and 2X250watt on the 4ft reef. I currently have my multicoloured Ricordea Yumas about 50cm away from the MHs.

I want to ask, how come my R. Yumas arnt expanding much. Or are R. Yumas are like that.


Thankyou very much
yours are expanding about the same as mine.... hmmm, I thought they weren't supposed to expand much more than that.

btw, love your first pic!!! they look awsome
Thanks, I take the first pic with a professional photography camera i took off my brother and the bottom one is a pic i took off my cheap digital cam.
