AI help setting up


Yes I am not a native speaker but I think I mentioned above"it's been scheduled" :hmm5:
It's like
6:00 0%
8:00 25%
9:00 70%
11:00 100%
12:00 70%
1:00 35%
3:00 25%
4:00 0%

7:00 100%
3:00 15%
4:00 7%

I can read in the display but the AI lights don't react.
any idea what the problem might be?


As i said above ;) Go to illumination 1 and illumination 2 in the profilux control menu on your pc software and set your schedules. By scedules I mean the times you wish the whits and blues to react to

i.e illumination 1 = 8am 0% 12pm 100% etc etc

once you have done this press save and providing the Ai cable is connected correctly to the GHL in the RS232 port the lamps will react

Let me know if you need more help ;)
Reboot the profilux, and the AI LED's. Just unplug the power of profilux, and then power, and data on the AI light. Reconnect then reboot. See if that helps...
Yes I did. sounds like nothing complicated but I have been trying this for 4months and still couldn't get to work. I am using the AI controller for now. I am sure you like the effects from the ProfiLux controller.

Did you do this...
Thanks! that's the last thing I want to try.

I spoke to Ai people they are glad to send me one for free.

we'll see if the cable is the problem.
I hope so.

Well, then I'd bet you have a bum AI/Profilux cable. If I had a spare I'd send it to ya...
Have you ever hooked the profilux up to a computer via the RS232 (Serial) port? If so, then there is every reason to believe that it's the AI cable.
Yup, so you know for sure the AI lights work, and the profilux works. So, your cable has to be bad. If it's not then your settings are screwed up, but I'm pretty sure that's been covered fully. ;)
Thanks for making things clear for now so I don't have to spend more time on it.
I'll keep it posted.
Have a good weekends!

Yup, so you know for sure the AI lights work, and the profilux works. So, your cable has to be bad. If it's not then your settings are screwed up, but I'm pretty sure that's been covered fully. ;)
I have been have the same problem too for month I have been using the AI controller, worked great before I upgraded. I keep trying with each update. I guess I will order a new cable and see if that works.