AI Hydra 64 rant...

One of my Hydra 52's went non compus mentus on me so it was time to upgrade.

It was really tough deciding between the new Hydra 64's and the Radion G5 XR30's Price difference aside, I opted for the AI's because of the lack of wi-fi connectivity on the pricier Radions.

Well, to my big surprise, the new Hydra 64's are also Bluetooth only! I set them up in a hurry this morning, figuring I can fine-tune my presets from work. Nope. No Bluetooth connection. Where's wi-fi? Not there.

After browsing around, it looks like they are wi-fi capable, something they are working on and will be available in the future - same story as the Radions. Had I known this, I would have bought the Radions.

end of rant.