aiptasia--once and for all

Since you have a 60 gal tank, the rocks can't be all that big, so I'd go nuclear on them. Pull each affected rock, put it in a bucket of salt water, and scrape them off with a screwdriver and a really stiff brush.

After you get it scraped off real good, use one of those mini butane blow torches they sell at any hardware store, and torch the spot it was on real good. I got one that has a battery power starter for like $20 or $30 at an ACE hardware I think.

Works great on valonia outbreaks too.
man you guys are losing your peppermints just like that eh?

i need to check on my aiptasia pepps have become a lot more aggressive in coming out for food. I'm hoping it's not because they're starving for sometihng to eat having eaten all the small aiptasias around.