AJ's 400 gallon Starphire build

If you've ever worked with Spaflex, it's kind of a pain. I used a hairdryer to get it warm and then zip tied it to a straight edge and it worked like a charm after it cooled down.

It took about about 30 min to fill up the display. I will be putting some type of a cage over those 90's that are in the sump for the returns. I did run into quite a few problems as we were filling up the tank and it took about 3 hours re-adjusting and re-doing some of the plumbing.

I wanted to show you guys a close up of this stand and Dosser I had Elite Aquatics custom build for me. I was very tight on room, so this was a must.

As you can see, the 1/4 inch tubing goes directly from the box to the Vertex and then over to the sump where I had the same connections installed.

I have not zip tied all the cords yet because I have more Vortech's and all my Radion Pros that I have to add over the next couple weeks. But you can see how it fits nicely under the cabinet.
This is a reefers dream tank man! One question though, are you satisfied with your rock scape? Or is there more to come?
Day 16 of my cycle... Patiently waiting -

Opened up my lights today and will get them mounted later this week.

These are the controls for the return pumps and for my Skimmer.

Here is a shot of what is going on with all my controls. It's insane how much stuff is under this cabinet. I'm glad I took the time to plan it out or else it would have not fit right.

Here is a front shot of my Neptune board.

Got my dosser hooked up to my 1/4 inch lines directly into the sump

T'd in my Vertex reactor for my media (Will add it in a few weeks). I turned my Skimmer on the lowest setting. I don't want to skim anything yet because I have no cycled all the way yet.

I decided to go with the BRS bio-pellet -

This is for the wife :) Got 2 of them under the cabinet - They will send me emails and texts if it detects water
wow great build seems like you really thought this one thru! like all the great equipment...good luck in the weeks ahead
We learn patience in this hobby for sure.... Congrats on getting this beast to the launch pad :). What method did you start the cycle with? Cheers!
We learn patience in this hobby for sure.... Congrats on getting this beast to the launch pad :). What method did you start the cycle with? Cheers!

I have about 360 lbs of what used to be live rock. It was live and then it sat for about a week and rotted in my tank and stunk up my house. I added the water, new sand, about 20 lbs of live rock from my other system and about 10 cups of sand from my 8 year old reef. After Day 15, no signs of Ammonia. I then added some large pieces of dead shrimp and clams. I'm on day 17 and STILL no Ammonia. I tested for Nitrites and Nitrates and they read zero. I tested those 2 because I was thinking that there was a possibility that the tank cycled quickly and I didn't catch it in the first 3 days.

I'm kind of baffled because there was a TON of dead stuff in the tank. I am not running my biopellets or my skimmer. I realize that 470 gallons tanks longer, but I would have thought it would have happened quicker.
Check out this cycling article. I used the 2nd method on a QT tank recently. Go to the Recipe section several paragraphs down, worked like a charm.

If you want to be certain, add the pure Amonnia just enough to say get a 1 or 2 ppm test reading, if your already cycled, it will be gone in a day or two and nitrates will be measurable. Note in the method most use, a major water change to flush nitrates occurs at end of cycle.

The Article;

Finally get to work on the lights.... I received the other 2 today.

Several of you have PM'd me about this box and how it works. As you can see one end goes from the dosser to the sump and the other end goes through the hole and down the back of the box. It pulls the liquid from the bottom of the box.
This a great build and thoroughly planned to the tee. Even if just place the wires neatly they are still sexy. You have given me a great idea with the dosing shelf/box. Can't wait for your tank to start maturing.