Alan's 180g Reef

? My first thought was that baby snails look like the white specks, but I now don't know if you have far surpassed the ability of my eyeballs with your zoom lense...
The extension ring set was definitely a good buy. Hard to get that focal length without them, but the range is very small. A slight change closer or further away and it gets very blurry. I wish I had one of the newer DSLRs that does HD video or at least a live stream output to the computer. It was actually pretty interesting following them around with the lens.

Any ideas on what look you are going for with your aquascape? Do you plan on using any PVC and ties or just the good-ol' fashioned balancing act?
Well, to be honest I'm not really looking forward to the aquascaping. I spent like a whole week on it last time :crazy1: I'm hoping the larger rocks will help, but my goal is to have more caves and openings. Some type of valley/recession in the middle might be nice, but I tend to end up with a rock wall tapering back at the top (which seems to be the most efficient use of lighting and coral placement spots)

After looking at the pics again I am pretty sure we have the same thing.
Yep, looks like it. Thanks for posting that for ID
So, next thing to figure out is how I want to manage the migration of livestock from my current tank. I have not added anything from my current system in to the 300g, but would like to seed it with something soon. I think I'm going to get a piece from another local reefer or grab a small piece from the LFS. I guess I'm a little paranoid about transferring an unwanted pest over when I have the opportunity to rid my tank of aiptasia, valonia, majano, or potentially some type of other harmful pest.

I have Coral Revive, Lugol's Solution, FW Exit, and Interceptor now. I haven't seen any signs of the major pests like AEFW, nudis, red bugs, etc. but I still plan on dipping them. The existing rock will all be frozen and recured, so hopefully that will eliminate the aiptasia/majano/valonia/vermatids. For corals, I'm not sure what the best method is. I'll probably pass on Lugols, as I've heard it can be harsh on the corals. What about this?

- Set up 5g bucket of existing tank water
- Add corals
- Slowly drip/flush out water to acclimate with 300g stock tank water
- Dose FWE (high dose) and Interceptor (~recommended dose)
- Wait 1 hour
- Dip in small container of 300g stock tank water w/ recommended dose of Coral Revive
- Put in 300g stock tank
I think this is what I would do

2x5G buckets

Bucket 1 5G of 50/50 mix of source tank and destination tank water with interceptor. Corals stay in for 12-24hours.

Dose bucket 1 with flat ex for about 15 min

Bucket 2 is filled with water from destination tank after the 24 hour period, corals are rinsed in that bucket maybe with a powerhead and then moved to the destination tank.

Empty both buckets and repeat.

I did something like this after I went through my flatworm fun but this might be much more difficult with the amount of corals you have. Heck you might want to isolate the frag tank again and use it as the dosing bucket. You could still rinse in a 5G bucket.
Are you concerned about pests? Revive will stun almost any parasite, it just won't kill the tough ones. I would be a little cautious of doing so many different baths in succession. I would think a Revive dip with a power head to blow the coral off, would suffice (and changing the dip container frequently). Can you just use a majority of your existing tank water w/new make-up water in your 300? Then you wouldn't need any kind of acclimation. Not sure if you needed to keep your existing system up and running or not.
Are you concerned about pests? Revive will stun almost any parasite, it just won't kill the tough ones. I would be a little cautious of doing so many different baths in succession. I would think a Revive dip with a power head to blow the coral off, would suffice (and changing the dip container frequently). Can you just use a majority of your existing tank water w/new make-up water in your 300? Then you wouldn't need any kind of acclimation. Not sure if you needed to keep your existing system up and running or not.
Yes, eliminating pests is the reason I'm looking at dosing and dipping. I would like to get rid of the common flatworm (Convolutriloba retrogemma?). They are not widespread in my tank and I only see them in certain areas. However, I think now is a good opportunity to get rid of them when I can do high doses of FWE. Regular or even double doses of FWE have done a lot, but never kill them all off. I haven't seen any signs of AEFW, MENB, or red bugs.

If you think Coral Revive will do the same thing or better for flatworms, then I'll go that way. I've read quite a few times that it is less harsh on the corals. In your experience, how long do you think is best for the CR dip? Same for all types of coral or different? 5 minutes?

I wasn't planning on moving any of the existing tank water into the 300g. I do need to keep both systems running for a while, since this will be a slow transfer. I'm going to move a few frags into the 300g and see how they do, starting with the more hardy ones. As long as things are going well, I will keep transferring them over until I have everything I want in the new system.
Yes, eliminating pests is the reason I'm looking at dosing and dipping. I would like to get rid of the common flatworm (Convolutriloba retrogemma?). They are not widespread in my tank and I only see them in certain areas. However, I think now is a good opportunity to get rid of them when I can do high doses of FWE. Regular or even double doses of FWE have done a lot, but never kill them all off. I haven't seen any signs of AEFW, MENB, or red bugs.

If you think Coral Revive will do the same thing or better for flatworms, then I'll go that way. I've read quite a few times that it is less harsh on the corals. In your experience, how long do you think is best for the CR dip? Same for all types of coral or different? 5 minutes?

I wasn't planning on moving any of the existing tank water into the 300g. I do need to keep both systems running for a while, since this will be a slow transfer. I'm going to move a few frags into the 300g and see how they do, starting with the more hardy ones. As long as things are going well, I will keep transferring them over until I have everything I want in the new system.

Have you tried natural predation (sixline wrasse, dragonets/mandarins) for your flat worm problem? I used to have a small planaria problem, but since adding both, I have never seen a single one.
Have you tried natural predation (sixline wrasse, dragonets/mandarins) for your flat worm problem? I used to have a small planaria problem, but since adding both, I have never seen a single one.
Yes, but it's difficult with all the tanks being split up. I haven't seen any flatworms in my display tank (it has a six-line), but I do see them in my fuge. Maybe with the move towards a consolidated tank I could put a wrasse in the 300g too, but I'd prefer to just eliminate them with this transfer process if possible.

Any suggestions on the revive dip time?
Spent a little more time today messing with the macro lens and some more refugium inhabitants.








Any suggestions on the revive dip time?

I usually only do them for a few minutes. If you use a powerhead, it should blast off just about anything fairly quickly.

Awesome pics, BTW, I'm always envious that I don't have a macro lense to play with.
I usually only do them for a few minutes. If you use a powerhead, it should blast off just about anything fairly quickly.

Awesome pics, BTW, I'm always envious that I don't have a macro lense to play with.

Ditto, what are you using for a background? These look like they're in a microfauna photo studio!
Ditto, what are you using for a background? These look like they're in a microfauna photo studio!
I just use lids from misc containers. I used a white one from an old gfo bucket today and it worked pretty well. I would like to do the same with corals, but it'll be a little trickier since I have to wait for open polyps and need to cover a wider focal range. Might be a good time to take a shot at focus stacking.
awsome pics alan, i really like the mini serpent stars. +1 on natual predataton of flatworms. scooter blennies, mandarins, wrasses and even damsels will munch on these guys. ive had the populations come and go but havent seen them for a few months.
:( Lost my neon green acro colony last night. It had RTN yesterday and I clipped a few frags off the top, but I've lost all of them except for one small piece. This is the first SPS colony I've lost and I'm pretty bummed about it. It was about twice as big as it was in this pic:

There were tons of pods crawling around on the dead branches. I took a few pics of them to verify, but I assume these are just normal pods (copepods?) that were scavenging.

Pics from the dead colony that I pulled out and dried last night:






Pics from a small frag that had a little bit of tissue left, but haven't taken out of the tank (live pods). I looked closer at the dark spots, but none of it was moving and just looked like debris:


After I noticed the RTN I clipped the frags off the top right away, then ran some water tests. Everything seemed fine from those tests. That coral has been in the other tank for a few weeks without issue. I didn't have much flow on that tank, so I wonder if that was the cause. Here were my tests from last night:
Alk: 8.75
Ca: 400
ph: 7.85
temp: 78-79
NO3: ~1
PO4: 0.02
SG: 1.025
You know I had some SPS frags in my frag tank high to get as much light as possible but the flow wasnt that great. They didnt do so good up there so now they are much lower in the tank getting more flow and they look much happier. I bet it was the low flow. I had an SPS RTN on me as well and the pods seem to enjoy it after the fact, I think you are right they are just looking for food.

In the good news category your frag of the neon acro that you gave me looks good I bet I can get you a new frag very soon I doubt it will be as big as your colonies though.