Algae bloom


I have a nasty green hair algae bloom all over my tank especially on the live rock. I only have 2 clowns and I feed only twice weekly for the past year. Any ideas on how to fix this problem?
Brush it off. Are you phosphates in check? I get a little but my foxface and blenny keep it cleaned off completely.
I would check phosphates and nitrates, run twice a week feeding, my auto feeder runs twice a day lol

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Reefman, what auto feeder do you use? Do you like it?

EHEIM Auto Feeder been using it for about 4 months and it's been working very well. Easy to setup I feed Hikari pellets Marine S and seaweed extreme. Frozen stuff I feed by hand once or twice a week

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Turn off the lights for a few days. If you have corals they'll be fine. Eliminate the light and nutrients (phosphates, etc) and the algae will die. Scrape the algae off the rocks as well.
If it's really bad and killing corals in a hurry, you might want to look into fluconazole. It beat my outbreak back quickly, but not completely. Still, it undoubtedly saved some corals that would have been over run if I waited for GFO and water changes to work.
If it's really bad and killing corals in a hurry, you might want to look into fluconazole. It beat my outbreak back quickly, but not completely. Still, it undoubtedly saved some corals that would have been over run if I waited for GFO and water changes to work.

Here is where identification is important if is hair algae it won't help. If it is bryopsis then that will work great