Algae control


Premium Member
Whats the best way to control alage in a FOWLR?? Besides a mag-float for the glass which i use.. I have no clean up crew due to having a puffer. I typically have to scrub my LR in a SW tub. Slowing my coraline growth:( Arrrrr

My water changes I have been using Tap water! Bad I know. TDS reading of 125. For my reef tank TDS is 14 I use RO water. I will pickup an RO/DI unit here pretty soon. Prolly a 6 stage and setup a 55 gal storage tank with heater and powerhead. Then all i have to do is mix and do my water changes.

Reef tank no algae probs but also have a clean up crew...

Tank has lots of filtration. I mean serious over kill.

Any ideas?

What kind of puffer? I have a siney box puffer and he doesn't mess with anything. I have snail, shrimp, stars, and crabs.

The best way I hav efound to control algea is to use RO and a large refugium full of macro algea.

I have a 140 w/22 fish 3-4 in. and a 60 refugium. No Algea!
I have a lovely scribbled rabbit which would get along in that situation and eat everything that's remotely green---he's tried vallonia, but can't get it in his mouth. They defend themselves with spines like a lionfish, and are poisonous, but mildmannered. Just never corner one. Their max size is about a foot, but it takes a while to get there. Various types of rabbitfish eat different algaes, some more than others. The scribbled is not particular. If you were in Spokane I'd invite you to come over with a fishing line...he's a bit too rowdy for my 52 nanofish tank.
Its a Proc puffer. He's 6 1/2" in size. I had 2 large zebra snails. I now have one. I think he fell off the glass or rock and was vulnerable. The other is still there but can't keep up with the algae. I may try some Turbo snails. Just don't wanna spend all the money and loose them.

I have some Cheato in my sump. Not alot. Maybe 2 handfuls.