Algae for main tank?


Premium Member
Before I get the response of why put it in the main tank, let me clarify a few things.

1. I am new to anything besides FOWLR, and do not have a sump or refuge as of yet.

2. My main purpose of this algae is for tang consumption.

I have a Blonde Naso Tang, and wanted to grow something in the tank for him. Or will he just eat it all before it could get a chance to grow? Also, what would be a good kind? I was thinking towards Ulva ( I think thats what its called) and Red gracilaria!
Lastly, whether you suggest these or another, where to obtain it from being in GA the beach or water is not an option! TIA
Hi fsu,

I'm afraid that pretty much any algae you put in your tank will be quickly decimated by your tang. I don't think there is any algae that will grow faster than a Naso lituratus can eat it in a captive setting. Ulva and gracilaria are both somewhat slow growers so they definately wouldn't be workable. Caulerpa and maybe chaetomorpha are the only things I could see as being really workable. I'm not sure if the Naso would like chaetomorpha or caulerpa, though. I see you have a 44 and a 10 gallon tank also. Could you try to propagate algae in those tanks and feed your naso occationally?

Good luck,
Chaetomorpha is a good choice if you want it to last. My yellow eats it but only as a last resort. It is hard work for him.
I have alot of macro algae growing in the main tank, the yellow and blue hardly touch it! Not sure what kind they are, but one has large silver dollar sized leaves, and the other is like a bunch of bubbles.
I just got some good stuff from I found that their prices are better than what I could get here in NY. However the shipping was a little rough. It cost more for the shipping than for the algae. But I think that it was all worth it.