New member
Have you seen PaulB's trough in post #138?
srusso describes a bucket style dumper in #94, my understanding is that an air / water interface is needed for best efficiency.
Not lately, but I have seen it before. Air/water is good... that was the sort of thing I didn't think about. My thought was to have an overflow that left a certain amount of water in... so as not to drain dry with a pump off, but with this line of thinking I could just go shallower than what I was thinking.
Also, the trough thing would be long instead of wide. So I thought as nutrients were stripped that the water would not support growth at the end. But to clean it I would just clean one end or the other when needed and the water would still be scrubbed.
redneckgearhead Unfortunately I am tankless. Selling the house and prioities... but I have ideas for what I want to do in the future... alaways been a big fan of good skimmers, but thought a more "natural" approach would be cool. To have a minimal display, but a tub of LR and DSB... and algae for nutrient export... that perhaps if I could keep nutrients low that way, I would not have to skim and the food chain would be more robust. Don't really know, but I'm interested. Not my thinking that a ATS is "better" than a skimmer... but that how much bio filter (algae, DSB, LR...) would it take to keep a 180g sized reef low nutrient?