Algae Scrubber Basics

I'm going to draw up plans tonight for a scrubber. I can't wait to see what happens to my tank.. I'm thinking about putting a maxi jet 1100 in my sump with a screen size of 5x6. Two cfl lights.. I only feed every other day about three cubes and flakes.. What do you think about this

IMHO you should spread out your feeding, everyday. Dont change amount being fed.
Here you go.


IMHO you should spread out your feeding, everyday. Dont change amount being fed.

Also, not sure how much flow you will get from the pump but your looking to get a 35 gph per inch of screen width. Screen and lights should be fine, although, after two years of CFLs... I hate them for scrubbers... But they work...
Here you go.



Screen size is way out of balance with lighting, from what I can see. Needs at very least, another light on the other side. And the one you do have needs to be about 3" from the screen.

Like I said in my last post, after two years of running my scrubber with CFLs... They are a cheap way to get a scrubber running but are more trouble in the end... IMHO...

Floyd, you agree?

EDIT: just noticed you have the screen hung a little differently then most, let us all know how that works out for you.
I understand about the CFL's.
But my electrical DIY skills are subpar and I'm not paying a few hundred dollars for LED's lol.

Maybe if they come down drastically one day.
I don't know if it'll help you out but ebay seller led- dna has a pre assembled 3x3w 660nm led setup (including heatsink and driver) for 15$ (free shipping) all you need to do is pick a wall wart. I also think they have a 6x3w one to. Check Em out.

Sent using Tapatalk, stay thirsty my friends.
But I think unread the LEDs should be I'm the red spectrum.
I wonder if they could do one like that.

Yes that is it. Not sure on how to mount & power them, but I would suggest taking the lenses off and using a diffuser.

No. That is 225 LEDs and 15W. Intensity is way too low unless you had it very, very close to an enclosed screen, and even then, no.
That's what I was talking about when I mentioned my lack of DIY skills lol.
Maybe one day something for this application will be available commercially at a reasonable price.
Iam thinking of trying to run an algae scrubber in the overflow section of my DT. The overflow is center mounted with water flow along the back wall of tank primarily. Iam including a picture. The idea is to mount the screen on the back side of the overflow at the top and tilted so that the light hits it for the longest amount of time possible. removing the standpipe. Is this a bad idea or could it be ok?

Ok, so after 150 pages I get the idea. Can someone post a pic of how they connected their pump to the pvc? I'm looking forward to getting mine built.
That would depend on the type of pump being used.
Which pump are you planning to implement?

Not sure yet. I just need to get a few ideas of how it's successfully been done. I have a pump or two laying around that may work. None of them have threads on them and I want to be able to replace it should it die.
Test UAS Tank Update
10 day old Molly fry
(I know they are the easy to breed...)

Dont forget to set to HD

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Just got done reading this thread from the beginning. Phew!

Thanks to everybody who has contributed to this thread (especially srusso & FloydRTurbo). I've learned a lot from everybody else's successes, but also their troubles, struggles and failures.

I found this thread while researching possible filtration methods for a non-reef project I have in mind -- a small 2 gallon, very lightly loaded temperate tank for local fauna. I'm planning on some sort of algae filtration, and will post more details when I have a better idea of what design I want to use.