Just got done reading this thread from the beginning. Phew!
Thanks to everybody who has contributed to this thread (especially srusso & FloydRTurbo). I've learned a lot from everybody else's successes, but also their troubles, struggles and failures.
I found this thread while researching possible filtration methods for a non-reef project I have in mind -- a small 2 gallon, very lightly loaded temperate tank for local fauna. I'm planning on some sort of algae filtration, and will post more details when I have a better idea of what design I want to use.
That would be correct. Atleast that would be for the minimum flow rate. Mine's running at about that ratio of inches to flow rate and is doing well.
I use a stiff saw blade with very sharp teeth. And pointy. "Death awaits you all, with nasty big pointy teeth!" Ok who got that one.
thinking about a small turf scrubber. I found my tank paramters were best when there was a nice turf algea layer on my bare bottom. it looked like hell but no algea grew anywhere else and the water was pristine....
Is anyone using a hardware store 3000K or 5600K LED spot light? seems like way less hassle than builing a reflector for a CF bulb. I am a neat and tidy kinda guy.....
cheers and thanks
awesome thread. i read......most of it.hehe its alot of reading and my adhd keeps me from reading it all.
i have a tank setup different from most. i am a clown breeder and i have a total of 200g. i have 16 pairs of clowns and i feed them frozen and pellet food 6 times a day or more. so i feed a ton and they poop a ton.
i got a nice skimmer thats SRO-5000xt. but the skimmer cant get it all and i want to keep the water a little more cleaner. i was gonna try the bio ball route but i maybe want to try an ats.
i got 16 pairs of clowns in my system and i would not know what size of an ats i would need. i seen somewhere someone made one out of a vinyl gutter. i dont want to do the 3D one. i got some room to work with and i can make something of a good size. my sump is a 75g tank. my hammerhead pump is large enough to make a seperate ats tank or system.
anyone have a good idea what i could do?
my tank has made big improvements .. thanks to this thread
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YS7pKnLSxps" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
My acropora was brown with no polyp extention.
Birds nest dieing/receding and growing hair algae
My torch coral continued to dwindle away. (its all gone now. had it for two years)
zoanthids were a tan/ brown sorta color.
Mushrooms stayed shriveled and never reproduced.
Green star polyps stopped opening up when they got covered in cyano and lost fluorescence
Sand and rocks covered in cyano and hair algae
method? every 2 week 10g water change(60g system) 100g rated eshops skimmer. reverse lighting refugium in sump. with cheato and caulerpa both didn't grown and became a mess of hair algae. feeding with 1 cube a day from a petsmart marine blend frozen food. no carbon. I began vodka dosing one capful everyday to see if it had an impact. After 4 weeks nothing noticeable, things continued to get worse.
I believe it was a mixture of underfeeding, Horrible Nutrient export. Over skimming, and buildup of nitrate or/and phosphate from a bad RO filter in top off water. (i haven't changed it in two years)
New Method: No skimmer. A ceramic biomedia chamber in its place. Bucket style algae turf scrubber clean every 4-7 days on average. Added Carbon filled sock in baffle. I used erythromycin in a effort to rid of cyano instantly. This combination of changes has had awesome results.
Acro has polyp extention and is now bright Green!
Birdsnest is growing quickly and now has polyp extention again. even growing over dead skeleton and hair algae!
Zoanthids now Teal/blue and Green
Mushrooms now twice their size.
Greenstar polyps came out again and had to regained its green fluorescent color.
Sand is clean cyano free. Hair algae slowly going away. I did remove most by hand in display.
My algae screen is still not green. It's brown. I was told Green is the best.
Fish seemed fine in both systems. maybe more lively now.
I would like to think that what i had in the past was terrible nutrient export, Removal of any Good FOod, and allowed the N and P to build with top off from bad RO filter. Though without any sort of water testing i don't know. All i know is i love my tank and corals. they're much happier