where are you in cfl?
Mt Dora area
where are you in cfl?
So the two problems that I had with this setup, 1st it's hard to see in the first picture, but the bend in the tube that contacted the aquarium wall forced the ATS to sit a little leaned back so it wasn't completely verticle. The other problem is the massive bubbles entering the aquarium.
The fix:
First I had to modify the stand to accept the ATS further back.
Then I made a refugium of sorts, mostly to house the heater that was in the display.(I always hate to see equiptment in the display.
I made this by cutting a PVC fence post and sticking it into a modified sharps container. (don't ask how I got that )
Here you can see how the ATS fits on the new stand and refuge.
The nice thing about the stand is that it allows me to place the Auto Top off water behind the tank as well. Up till now, I've had it off the side and the kids could have easily bumped it off. Now it's much more secure.
Here's after one day of running the ATS. If you look closely, you can see algae on the screen. But I'm not sure if this is growing on the screen, or if it just got sprayed on there when I messing in the tank. But either way, it will seed it faster.
Thoughts: Overall, I have high hopes this will solve many of my problems. I was a bit worried about the lights in an enclosed plastic fixture, but the heat doesn't seem to be a problem. I have noticed the heater kick on several times after running the ATS for 8+ hours. So even in a ten gallon, it doesn't seem to be raising the temp too much. The housing never got hot enough to warrant worry about melting the plastic or overheating the fixture. Even though this type of pitcher will melt and change shape in the heat of a dish washer, there is no signs of deformation of the plastic. So I'm confident this is the right system to be running on this tank.
Since this was built with spare parts, I would calculate the overall cost of the project about 20 bucks.
Hope this helps someone else.
What have you guys had the most success with in terms of kelvin. I was thinking 2700k because it gows green algae well , but to get a real red or purple turf algae will i need something more like 6500k?
No QT period?
I have good growth after about 4 or 5 days starting with new screen.
Mostly diatoms though.
I could not believe that I already have growth starting on my screen at like 2 days. It lookes pretty green to me so far. I hope this is a good sign that soon it will be gone from my display tank. The only thing I was wondering is what if you have more algae in the display tank than the scrubber does the display tank win?
The scrubber will always win!
So long you set it up right, it cant lose...
ok guys ran into a problem with my cichlid build. I got the materials to build today and started measuring. I didnt measure before and realized I only have 7 inches between the bottom of my stand and my sump (dow. should smack myself for not realizing this sooner).
I have a acrylic 140gal (I think? 72"L X 30"T X 15"D), and a 40gal sump. My return pump is a waterblaster hy-5000 with a head height of 57".
I can, but would rather not put the ats above the tank. If I go by the "rules" for a horizontal, I still don't have enough room in my sump. I would like to keep this scrubber as quiet as possible because it is not in my house.
Any input would be extremely appreciated.
I am confused, you mean that from the top of the sump, you have 7" of headroom before the top of the cabinet under the tank?
If that's the case, you could make a double unit with 7 inches of screen 10 inches long. A bank of lights between the two units, and have them swing out for changes or pull out easily for changes. I think you could still make this work.