Algae Scrubber Basics

No skimmer, never ran one with ATS.

No filter sock except when blowing off rocks and recirculating water.

I have a home made waterfall ATS made to the old specifications with 4 100 watt eq. CFL's. I power it off my Dart return pump. I'm looking at switching to LED's and changing my sump, but that's moving slow.

I do water changes of 60 gallons every 3 to 6 months during deep cleanings, but I probably don't have to. I dose Calc, Alk, Mag and occasionally Red Sea colors A-D.

I feed liberally, but on no particular schedule. Frozen, flake, Nori, DT's, Coral Frenzy, Reef Chili...

My rocks are in more of a bonsai arrangement, bottoms cut flat and stacked with fiberglass rods to support structure, to allow good water flow in my tank. Probably less than 1/2 pound per gallon.

Thanks, Tim Barrett

Interesting! I just read this that blowing stuff off of the rocks might be bad. I have been blowing stuff off of the rocks once a week. So now I'm confused as SantaMonica is very well read on this stuff it appears.
Have you tried not blowing stuff off of the rocks for a period of time?

A scrubber will make pods, not remove them. A skimmer will remove them.

Tank is off to a good start... lots of rock. Don't move them or change flow; you want the most periphyton possible to grow the most pods.

Good to hear that yours is running well and well feed with just the basics and a ATS...
Iv seen many tanks using DSB + Refuge/Cheato + Skimmer + ATS...... is it a dumb thing to do? Or it is for tanks above 500g or 1000g? Personally im against DSB Id rather prefer bare bottom but i use sand 1.5" coz i like the look of it....
kool thanks.... whats your bioload? any pics if possible of your tank and sump/ATS?
Achilles Tang, Sailfin Tang, Scopas Tang, Yellow Tang, Yellow coris wrasse, dragon face pipefish, 2 pink spot gobies, green chromis, yellow tail blue damsel, inverts. Pix later.

Thanks, Tim Barrett
Iv seen many tanks using DSB + Refuge/Cheato + Skimmer + ATS...... is it a dumb thing to do? Or it is for tanks above 500g or 1000g? Personally im against DSB Id rather prefer bare bottom but i use sand 1.5" coz i like the look of it....

I had my DSB in my sump just before my flow to my ATS. It was removing nitrates but not phosphates, leaving an unbalanced ratio. When I removed it I got better growth and my phosphate fell from 0.86 to 0.00-0.02 by Hanna. I'm removing my sand from my DT slowly with each water change. It's almost gone now and my phosphates have been more stable with each removal. Can't get them off 0.00 now. I can't speak to cheato/skimmer because I haven't tried them, but I haven't needed them either.

Thanks, Tim Barrett
Okay, Do you do something to blow stuff off of the rocks if so how often?

I use a MJ1200 with a short length of 1/4" tubing on the outlet to blast my LR and reach every crevice. Stuff flies off, then I run a siphon from my DT to my sump through a filter sock to collect the debris. Works pretty well. I try to do it about once a month.

Thanks, Tim Barrett
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Thanks, Tim Barrett
Tim this is very encouraging! Thanks

No problem. It took me a while to get it right. Didn't realize my phosphates were high until I got a Hanna Checker. Tried to get them down with water changes and GFO until I read that my DSB was the problem. I've hit a groove now with recent change from 400W Radiums to 400W XM1500's with my T5 supplements. I've always had good color but now growth is taking off. Only problem is keeping my two part filled as the SPS keep sucking more and more out of the water. I'm considering a calcium reactor when I get close to running out this time. Not a bad problem to have. :-)
Had to wait for the ATS lights to come on. Like I said. Old school. 2 sheets of plastic canvas. 3/4" PVC. 4 - 100 watt eq. CFLs. Big reflectors. Clear acrylic next to the screens.
I had my DSB in my sump just before my flow to my ATS. It was removing nitrates but not phosphates, leaving an unbalanced ratio. When I removed it I got better growth and my phosphate fell from 0.86 to 0.00-0.02 by Hanna. I'm removing my sand from my DT slowly with each water change. It's almost gone now and my phosphates have been more stable with each removal. Can't get them off 0.00 now. I can't speak to cheato/skimmer because I haven't tried them, but I haven't needed them either.

Thanks, Tim Barrett

Kool..... iv heard DSB crashes many times online....
Thats huge..... dint find much fishes in your tank pics

The front glass is 8' x 2', so they get lost a little. Achilles is only about 4", sailfin 6", yellow and scopas 5". I like SPS and inverts more than fish so I've got just enough to keep my wife happy. I'm considering some anthias and more pipefish, but I have some work to do first.
The front glass is 8' x 2', so they get lost a little. Achilles is only about 4", sailfin 6", yellow and scopas 5". I like SPS and inverts more than fish so I've got just enough to keep my wife happy. I'm considering some anthias and more pipefish, but I have some work to do first.

Thats good.....