No skimmer, never ran one with ATS.
No filter sock except when blowing off rocks and recirculating water.
I have a home made waterfall ATS made to the old specifications with 4 100 watt eq. CFL's. I power it off my Dart return pump. I'm looking at switching to LED's and changing my sump, but that's moving slow.
I do water changes of 60 gallons every 3 to 6 months during deep cleanings, but I probably don't have to. I dose Calc, Alk, Mag and occasionally Red Sea colors A-D.
I feed liberally, but on no particular schedule. Frozen, flake, Nori, DT's, Coral Frenzy, Reef Chili...
My rocks are in more of a bonsai arrangement, bottoms cut flat and stacked with fiberglass rods to support structure, to allow good water flow in my tank. Probably less than 1/2 pound per gallon.
Thanks, Tim Barrett
Interesting! I just read this that blowing stuff off of the rocks might be bad. I have been blowing stuff off of the rocks once a week. So now I'm confused as SantaMonica is very well read on this stuff it appears.
Have you tried not blowing stuff off of the rocks for a period of time?
A scrubber will make pods, not remove them. A skimmer will remove them.
Tank is off to a good start... lots of rock. Don't move them or change flow; you want the most periphyton possible to grow the most pods.
Good to hear that yours is running well and well feed with just the basics and a ATS...