.... I went ahead and ordered a couple. 2 x 36W bulbs - 2:1; Red:Blue; 8:4 (not ideal) ....
It looks like you can order custom color mixes so what would be the best LED set up for algae scrubbers?Ebay Reply said:Dear adhiii,
My dear friend
Thanks for your interest in our product.
Yes , we can make this only blue bulbs , please not your requirement on the order, if you want many please tell me , i can give you a good price.
Our biggest goal is to ensure that each transaction on eBay is the most pleasant and positive for you every time.
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us.
Once again, thank you for your valued custom.
Best regards,
What would be ideal? Would you have a slightly different set up if you are going through glass that is in addition to the fixture enclosure?
I spent some time talking with Derek of Beef's Reef a while back and he told me the same, that Morgan is constantly working on projects. I just went to their site and I see their product quick descriptions and prices but no pictures, not even on the forum which doesn't really look to be active for the past year. So I guess you have to live near Terre Haute to see their products. Not even a cruddy cell phone camera pic for a $700 scrubber, really? I think I can see the reason why he claims it has taken 20 years trying to get his product into the mainstread without success - zero marketing!
He claims (as does Adey) that turf algae boasts 10 to 100 times the nutrient absorbing capacity of other algaes. I'm willing to bet a lot of $$ that information is based on 30 year old data, because that's all we have, scientifically.
...and we probably will never have that data, because there is no money in it for anyone.
Would it be better to just have all red 660nm and no blue at all.
I don't know a lot of detail here, but even though red probably works on its own, blue is also considered a high energy (or highly utilized) spectrum in regards to photosynthesis for green plants.
Chlorophyll-a: 430nm/662nm
Chlorophyll-b: 453nm/642nm
Carotenoids: 449nm/475nm