Ok, a couple things here that may have an impact:
Screen is really oversized and looks like you have a ton of light on it. So the light might match the screen, but the screen doesn't match the tank.
7x7 = 49, 49/12 = 4 cube/day so you're roughly 8x oversized, if you have a rock nutrient issue then you might have some more nutrients contributing but this is a very poorly defined item and one can only guess as to what contribution "dirty" rock/sand has.
You said "zero growth" but from the 2 first pics, I see growth, looks like a brownish coloration, of am I seeing that wrong?
Post pics again in about a week. Get a shot of the screen like in the 3rd pic, without the lights on, and closer on the screen so I can see the growth pattern.
My guess is that it will be pretty bare in the middle, with growth filling in from the perimeter inward over time.
I'm really interested to see how these LED lights perform. These were discussed recently in this thread (by you?) and they look very nice.
If you had arcing, this is typical of a new screen and should even out over time. But your flow looks OK right now so just leave it. Once the screen is mature you can increase the flow and you'll get less of an arcing effect. But 530 GPH is zero head, what brand/model is it?