Algae Scrubber Basics

I think you want 2700 if CFL.
I used CFL for a few years. LED is far superior. Don't have to constantly change bulbs, stronger green growth, less heat & energy consumption.

I agree that LED is FAR superior, and that 2700 is best for CFL, but 5k will still grow GHA with proper flow. The point was to help him solve his cyno problem, not to rebuild his ATS.
it is a 40 gallon breeder, down flow

it gets about 100 gph and the bulb is 40 watt 5k bulb

about 12 x 12 square mesh screen


Your bulb is an LED light meant for use in a house light fixture. This is not the right type of lamp to use for an algae scrubber. LED for light fixtures is not the same spectral output as a CFL 5000K or warm white, etc. You need to either switch to a spiral CFL, or get an LED lamp with 660nm Deep Red LEDs in it.

For your screen, a few comments:

12" wide needs 35 GPH/in of flow, or 400-450 GPH of actual (measured) flow falling off the screen. Not sure what pump you're using but my guess is that it's way too small.

According to the feeding-based guideline, 12x12 = 144 sq in, which is a 12 cube/day scrubber. If single sided, 6 cube/day. That's if it's lit with minimum 72W of light on one side - but with the light source, unreflected, etc, it's just not getting enough light. That is why you are getting dark growth.

I would resize the screen according to the amount you actually feed. I'm going to take a stab at it and say that you don't feed 6-12 cubes/day in a 40B.

I'm guessing that 2 cubes/day might be more like it. Or less. but a 2 cube/day scrubber is only 6" wide, 4" tall. So maybe do 6x6. Then you need 200-250 GPH of flow across that.

Your light also needs to be reflected toward the screen, 100%. The light you have now, 40W, with no reflector, you're losing >80% of the light, so only a few watts is actually hitting the screen. No matter what light source you use, this would be a problem

So get back to me on how much you feed and what if any issue you are trying to solve by using the scrubber. That info might change my recommendation.
Professional ATS build

Professional ATS build

Hi Thank you for having a great section on ATS Basics. I am wondering is there any companies out there that build a ATS system? I would rather do that then build one myself. I think my big concern is having the right LEDS etc.

Your mailbox is full so here is what I tried to PM. Thanks in advance for the help.
*I understand you have Splash guards/light shields to fit over the ATS slotted pipe? Will these fit ove a 1.25 inch PVC? If so, what would the cost be and how can I get one? My tube is 6 inches long.

Also, is there a disadvantage to a screen that is over-sized? I feed about 1 sometimes 2 cubes per day and my screen is 6x9
Also, is there a disadvantage to a screen that is over-sized? I feed about 1 sometimes 2 cubes per day and my screen is 6x9

Screen capacity is driven by size, light, and flow. Any of the three can limit it. 54 sq in lit on both sides by a 26W CFL with the right flow should be about 4.5 cubes/day, so if you feed about half that, you're fine. I'd say based on your setup, you're fine.

Here are pics of my results after 14 days

Side one

Side two

Pics of my set up are at post 6666

I don't know why the first pic isn't showing in your post but it is in the quote about. Can't really tell what the growth is but it looks like there is a decent amount for the 14 day point. Hard to judge anything until a month or so in typically
Hey Floyd,
Is your post 6601 still the latest on LED builds?
Specifically, is the Deep Violet preferred over other colors to supplement 660 Reds?
Have you ever run a fixture with 660 Reds only?

Just a little refresh on my LED guidelines for scrubbers:

Here is my recommendation for LED lighting of a waterfall algae scrubber screen:

Supplementing with blue/violet: Always run blues at 350mA, violets can be run higher but should follow the same rule for the maturing stage (350 at first, then increase after maturing). Use one to two at this current level for every 5-6 reds, roughly. Lots of flexibility here, a little blue/violet goes a long way. I've used 440-445nm Royal Blue Luxeon ESs for this, but I know of at least one other that used to use RBs and switched to Deep Violets and almost doubled growth. Steve's LEDs now carries a good Hyper Violet made by SemiLED.
I will try the basics thread for this too.

So what do you guys think of this one?

Also I was informed on the Reef Discussion thread that a couple posters here sell ATSs. I do not have the time to build one, am having trouble getting my new 90 Miracles set up. Any tips on who on here is selling ats units?

Thanks. Hope this question is not against the rules of RC. If so pull my thread please.
Well that listing disappeared quickly. But in general, those suction cup scrubbers are in the horizontal river category. They do not come with a light. And they are 1-sided, as are all horizontal rivers.
Hey Floyd,
Is your post 6601 still the latest on LED builds?
Specifically, is the Deep Violet preferred over other colors to supplement 660 Reds?
Have you ever run a fixture with 660 Reds only?

Yup, I get somewhere between "a little better" to "quite a bit better" growth under HVs.

Never ran a 660 only fixture, I have always supplemented with blue/violet
This is a free country. Anyone can give advice, good or bad. They just spend more time doing the job than others.

Floyd R Turbo started the thread but he welcomes almost anybody that knows what they are doing and is willing to be civil.

I don't sell anything but I must say that Floyd puts in a heck of a lot of time. That's a good thing...Yes?
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This is a free country. Anyone can give advice. They just spend more time doing the job than others. Floyd R Turbo started the thread but he welcomes almost anybody that knows what they are doing and is willing to be civil.

I don't sell anything but I must say that Floyd puts in a heck of a lot of time. That's a good thing...Yes?
Sorry, but although Floyd gives good advice and seems to know of what he says, he did not start the thread.

Go back look, and post who actually started the thread. I could tell you but it is better you find out for yourself.

I am sure Floyd would rather the right person got the credit.
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My apologies! I was completely wrong.

Let it be known that srusso started the thread.

Anyway Turbo doesn't try to convince you that his product is the only way to go. As far as I can tell, he helps everybody ...mostly DIY people that seem to have most of the questions.

SantaMonica made the two sided scrubber popular but he doesn't make any money directly from it. Its a DIY project.

If either of them make money from products that they sell, that doesn't mean much to me, as long as they are helpful.
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Agreed! They are both very helpful. I just mentioned their products because someone asked if anyone builds and sells scrubbers.