35 GPH/in is just a guideline, if you don't hit that exactly, no sweat. If you're significantly under it, you might run into issues. Like if you are 15 GPH/in. But if you're at 25 GPH/in, probably OK.
That being said, you want to his that 35 GPH/in if you CAN. And remember that is after head loss. I estimate this by adding 24" to the vertical rise to account for the slot pipe head. So if your scrubber pipe is 12" above the water in the sump, you have 36" of head. Look that up on your pump's head loss chart and you're good to go as long as your close.
The 93 GPH pump - no don't use that. For reference, a Cobalt MJ1200 delivers about 195 GPH at 36" of head to a 6" slot pipe with screen and no growth. Same thing with one of those little Eheim 1100s (I think that's the one) After 3 months, flow is down to 140GPH. After 6, it's more like 60 GPH. Little pumps = horrible head loss characteristics.