All Pet Emporium - Pines &75


New member
I have a great idea for a future meeting. The group can all visit All Pet Emporium on I75 and Pines and we can have a discussion on a case by case basis on Fish disease, parasites, water quality etc. The will have an example of each! Poor fish! Please spread the word to the new guys that don't know...the fish there are terrible. I'm not trying to be a hater, but can't they do something about it?
All Fish and All Pets are working on their problem. They're aware of the issues, and as far as I know they have instituted a new QT system for the main store All Fish. I don't know if this has trickled down to the smaller sub-stores or not.

Truth to tell, a good home QT system is important with or without a LFS qt operation. I have a bannerfish that I JUST bought from Lance yesterday, and even though I know he QTs all his fish for a month, it's still in my quarantine tank right now under observation. Mainly to make sure he's not going to be a polyp nipper, but still. You get the point. :)
Good to know they are aware of their problem. I guarantee they would still sell me a yellow tang with black ich all over it and that is just wrong. Lets face it, many people just don't know and still buy sick fish from them. I would suggest they quit selling sick fish to people until they get their problems addressed. Just my 2 cents.
I have a great idea for a future meeting. The group can all visit All Pet Emporium on I75 and Pines and we can have a discussion on a case by case basis on Fish disease, parasites, water quality etc. The will have an example of each! Poor fish! Please spread the word to the new guys that don't know...the fish there are terrible. I'm not trying to be a hater, but can't they do something about it?

Please tell me your not an fmas member representing our club like this as this is totaly not the way to professionaly address this.......the bod works very hard for our members to make feild trips available to the club along with bringing in speakers to share knowledge and visit with club members....we have been fortunate enough to visit the living color facility and are in the process of trying to arange a visit to their new state of the art qt many speakers or field trips do you think we will be able to visit with continued unprofessional attitudes like this that are not based on anything other than personal vendettas......this subject is truly a dead issues as nova said this has been discussed to know end and they are in the process of spending hundreds of thousands on bringing to market some of the healthiest products in the area and you truly do not have all your facts together .....I have personaly visited their facilities and can tell you first hand the new qt facilities are mind blowing with the amount of commitment they have made to a professional unbiased review of an lfs or speaker is one thing but to just post with the intent of trashing is another ......

And just to let some know I was at the one on university yesterday and after a complete weekend with hundreds of visitors and over prolly a thousand fish on hand I personally only saw 1 dead fish on the whole place .....that's crazy for the amount of business this place is doing .....its a lot different when its mom and pop with 25 fish in the whole store and 12 visitors a day .......they are doing a much better job than most think if you set back and take in all the facts and set bias aside ......

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I see both sides here, but bottom line the livestock in the pines location is not in good shape (I go there a few times a month). They do have good days, but most of the time, not. Last time I was there, I saw a least 5 dead fish, some looked like they had been dead for some time (decomposing flesh, etc). I was suprised to see a mated pair of Hawaiian flame wrasses that were friggin' gorgeous, that I almost bought, but I realized they won't fit in my nano. THat was a great thing!

Maybe the OP was a little harsh with the angle of the post (intending to flame away), but at the same time, some times its a bit deserving.

In my opinion, if you don't like the place, just don't go there. I happen to like the place for what its worth. I like taking my son on the weekends to look at the "big fish", LOL! That said, there was a dead golden travally in the big tank last I was there, and I saw some of the others picking at him. How's that for a natgeo moment, LOL!
I don't think Firewill was trying to be deliberately inflammatory, probably just engaging in some harmless venting. I think we all get upset when we walk into a fish store and see nothing but sick fish as their stock. I'm sure I'm not the only person who stays the heck away from one or two big-box stores (who will remain nameless) for similar reasons.

That being said, Firewill, Yes the parent company for these stores is a sponsor and they are actually very dedicated to fish health and proper transport and acclimation procedures. The problems you listed have been addressed at the main facility, and unfortunately the process of filtering down to a store level is just that: A process. If you want to avoid a particular store for the time being, that's perfectly fine, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. I too have been to the main AllFish store recently and was pretty impressed with the quality of fish that I saw. Certainly many, many times better than when the store was under the Big Al's name.

Please tell me your not an fmas member representing our club like this as this is totaly not the way to professionaly address this.......the bod works very hard for our members to make feild trips available to the club along with bringing in speakers to share knowledge and visit with club members....we have been fortunate enough to visit the living color facility and are in the process of trying to arange a visit to their new state of the art qt many speakers or field trips do you think we will be able to visit with continued unprofessional attitudes like this that are not based on anything other than personal vendettas......this subject is truly a dead issues as nova said this has been discussed to know end and they are in the process of spending hundreds of thousands on bringing to market some of the healthiest products in the area and you truly do not have all your facts together .....I have personaly visited their facilities and can tell you first hand the new qt facilities are mind blowing with the amount of commitment they have made to a professional unbiased review of an lfs or speaker is one thing but to just post with the intent of trashing is another ......

And just to let some know I was at the one on university yesterday and after a complete weekend with hundreds of visitors and over prolly a thousand fish on hand I personally only saw 1 dead fish on the whole place .....that's crazy for the amount of business this place is doing .....its a lot different when its mom and pop with 25 fish in the whole store and 12 visitors a day .......they are doing a much better job than most think if you set back and take in all the facts and set bias aside ......

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Sorry to stir it up guys....I was just in shock when I saw their fish last time I was there. Lots of ich, velvet, etc.
I've recently learned though, just because you don't see it...doesn't mean it's not there.
Bought a Regal at another lfs recently and might be showing signs of ich in the QT tank. I guess that's just life!
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Boycotting stores will eventually lead to them shutting down which will decrease competition which will lead to higher prices. I'm not the biggest fan of the All Pets stores but they do try hard and have a huge selection of fish and dry goods.
Boycotting stores will eventually lead to them shutting down which will decrease competition which will lead to higher prices. I'm not the biggest fan of the All Pets stores but they do try hard and have a huge selection of fish and dry goods.

I live close to there and I do buy salt water from them 10 gallons per week. They have great prices and I know they will improve.
Boycotting stores will eventually lead to them shutting down which will decrease competition which will lead to higher prices. I'm not the biggest fan of the All Pets stores but they do try hard and have a huge selection of fish and dry goods.

If you eat a bad steak at a restaurant, do you continue to eat there in fear that all the other GOOD steak restaurants will charge more if they close shop?
If you eat a bad steak at a restaurant, do you continue to eat there in fear that all the other GOOD steak restaurants will charge more if they close shop?

Poor analogy... I guess you must be perfect and live a perfect life.

There are literally THOUSANDS of establishments that serve steak in Broward. How many saltwater LFS' do we have in Broward? 4-5? Many have closed due to customers such as yourself not giving them second chances. No lfs is perfect they all have their issues in some form or another.
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