All sps tanks

What lighting are you using?

Short answer: kessil/T5

Long answer: 3 kessil A360W-E on a light mover rack, the lights are installed off-center of each 2x2 tank section and moved back and forth over the respective area each minute. I found this to be crucial to using a point source light like the kessil combined with multiple vertical layers of XL Acropora colonies which significantly shade what’s below them. I ramp the kessils to a max intensity of 65% and run them at a color of 80% most of the day which is much whiter than most people run their tanks these days.

I also have 4x60” T5s, two AB Special and two Blue+. I think people would tend to refer to this as T5 “supplements” but IMO based on the lighting schedule compared to pH data, these T5s are just as important (if not more important) as the LEDs.