All you EVER wanted to know about Southdown

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Apparently the my local homedepot found some tropical play sand in pa. So they are having about a pallet of bags transfered here for me and anybody else I know who would like.. I gave the girl there the sku# for the yardright tropical play sand that I found on crab street jounal (Gotta love google)..
I've found play sand at Home Depot here in Cali. It's made by a company in Norco California called Paragon. I called to check for silicates and was assured none.

Only problem with this stuff is a) it doesnt fizz in vinegar and b) it's a very very fine grain size. Worried about clouds of sand taking over everything when my goby gets busy.
Had the same problem at ace hardware.. They carry greenleaf play sand. The people at ace assured me it did not contain silicates but like you said it did not fizz..Well maybe home depot will come through with the transfer..
chris420 said:
i called old casatile and they told me there minds were sold and are currently looking for more

Hi Chris

I've been trying forever to find where I put my mind. :D

As far as I can tell the YardRight appears to be the genuine article. Now all we need do is find out who distributes the stuff at the retail level. Their site is no help and they don't answer e-mails.

Can we put out an Amber alert to find missing playsand? :D
Someone got some from the Carlisle HD a few days back. Check down there. I think he said there was at least 15 bags still there. Pick some up and take it to my lazy brother in Harrisburg to ship to me! :D
Have anyone found Southdown near Cincinnati recently? I've in Kentucky but I am heading up to Cincinnati in the next couple of weeks
does anyone know of any place closer to Cincinnati? I am coming from Lexington so cleavland would be a 5 hour drive one way:eek1:

or is anyone willing to help out a new "reef-er" by shipping some. Will gladly pay for everything :-D
i know i just checked here in Milwaukee,Wisconsin at the HD's and all locations r out due to it not being the season
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