All you EVER wanted to know about Southdown

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Bought this from my local HD in queens, College pnt.
It says it has Silica.
Is this the good brand, bad brand?
It's by a company called Global Stone Corp, based in Buchanan, VA.

Run the skimmer get rid of that dusty stuff. I waited for that stuff to settle for a week and it stayed cloudy as anything. Skimmer cleared it up in a couple hours. Cleared right in front of my eyes. By the way try calling for old castle at HD's. They never seem to know southdown but many of them carry old castle. At least in Michigan where I'm from anyway.
You don't want silica based sand, you want calcium based sand. To test, put some vinegar in a dish, and add some sand. It will fizz if it's the right stuff.
Yea, I did the test. Sand was kinda wet though, but it fizzled. Sorta like the gases in coke. Will try to dry some & test again tomorrow to make sure.

There is a warning lable that it contains silica. Doesn't all sand contain silica? I thought it was like 99%, or something to that effect.
It is very possible for aragonite to contain some silica. A good test is to keep adding vinegar to a small amount until it stops fizzing. If there is only a small amount of residue left (probably silica) then the bulk is aragonite.
i'm new here, but if the legendary southdown sand looks like the picture of "Grumpy Vet"'s avatar (the one with the kid in the overalls), i just found plenty of bags at the home depot in Union, NJ. the address from the HD website is:

"Union/Vauxhall" #915
2445 Springfield Ave
Vauxhall, NJ 07088

i just went today and there were PLENTY of bags. they are $4.99 for 50lb. bag. hope this helps.
i don't know how to post pictures here, but i have a lot of detailed pictures of the bags that i bought today. if you would like me to e-mail them to you, let me know.
Well I think that southdown season is coming. If anyone in Kansas should happen to find some let me know. I need about 300lbs.
What a great thread, took me hours to read the whole thing, then I jumped in my car and drove to the local HD (Biddeford, Maine) to grab some... They had some play sand but it was silica. Asked some nice lady about it and she said that Old Castle stopped shipping them the Tropical Play Sand about 4 months ago.

She called Old Castle to see if there was any available and she was told that their supplier went out of business and they could no longer get it! Then she used a computer to check all the stores in Maine, NH, and Mass., all came up with 0 bags of it.

On my way home I stopped in a LFS to see what their prices were, $36.99 for a 20lb bag!! Guess it's time to rethink the DSB...


Bowman said:
SOUTHDOWN OUT OF BUSINESS There was a post here on RC that the company in Ft pierce had closed up shop. The sand piles are gone and there appears to be no forwarding information. HTH

I have four bags of the collectors item sand on sale for the value savvy price of $30.00

:lol: Just kidding. I sold all 10 bags a couple years ago. But it's still funny to think it's now a collectors item.

We bought the farm and ran them outta business ;)

Isnt there a place in the midwest somewhere that you can drive up to and shovel all the oolitic sand you want for free? I used to have the link two or three reformats ago....

BTW 30 pages in this thread .... that's out of control heh


fishinchick said:
Isnt there a place in the midwest somewhere that you can drive up to and shovel all the oolitic sand you want for free? I used to have the link two or three reformats ago....

If you remember what it is I will drive there and fill my truck to the top. Just let me know.
I live in Canada and can't find Southdown. I did find playsand but it is not white but brown. (ugly IMO). I did find a silica snadblasting sand that says decorative sand on the bag. It is supposed to not melt and never turn colour. It looks like an off white sand and has small particles. It has quartz in it as well which makes it shine cool. It says it is to be used around bricks in the garden. It is just a decorative sand. It is probably at least 80% Silica. I was hoping that you can give me your opinion on this.
Add the HD in Downingtown,PA to your list. They have two pallets full of the sand. It has been out in the garden area, and is partially wet. If you ask, they will be willing to discount the sand by 50% ($2.49 per bag).

Aside from the issue of SKU #'s there is an easy way to determine if you have the right type of sand. The appropriate reef tank sand will effervesce when it comes in contact with a small amount of vinegar. The silica based sands, which are not appropriate for reef tanks will have no reaction to vinegar.

Bula, how much to ship me a few bags to Ca? I'm a former Harrisburg resident but cant get my lazy-azz brother to drive down there and pick me some up.

I'm a former Squid (I helped evacuate Saigon in May '75).

There where a number of people on the Reefland site who checked into shipping bags of sand. The cost of shipping bags becomes cost prohibitive. By the time your done with the shipping costs, your just about where you would be if you went into your LFS and bought a bag of aragonite.

Sorry, otherwise I would be happy to help out a Jarhead.

I'll second Chuck's post. Somebody asked me to ship them some once and when I went to the UPS calculator I couldn't believe what it wanted. It's probably the reason sand IS so expensive at the LFSs since they have to have it shipped to them as well. We're just lucky to be close to the distributor.

Bula Bula! said:

I'm a former Squid (I helped evacuate Saigon in May '75).

There where a number of people on the Reefland site who checked into shipping bags of sand. The cost of shipping bags becomes cost prohibitive. By the time your done with the shipping costs, your just about where you would be if you went into your LFS and bought a bag of aragonite.

Sorry, otherwise I would be happy to help out a Jarhead.


Semper Fi Bula!

I certainly hope you popped at least ONE of those pinko bastages during that cluster**** of an evacuation!

:fun2: :uzi:
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