All you EVER wanted to know about Southdown

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Re: Southtown sighting

Re: Southtown sighting

the_shindogg said:
Bought 4 bags of SD ~4.50 bag in Edison NJ Home Depot on Rt. 1 yesterday. They had a full pallet.


Should have read this one..

and looked at This
How about Sakrete "Premium Grade Play Sand" This is what my Home Depot had and it's already in my tank, so I hope it's acceptable. Very fine grain, and their web site lists nothing about it containing silicates. This sand is not aragonite...I did the vinegar test, and it didnt fizz.

The following two links contain information right from the manufactuer about this sand. The first link is for silicate sand, and the second link is for the play sand(that I bought). I wanted to show the differences in precautionary warnings.

I'll check the SKU and get back to you on that as well.

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Grumpy Vet,
I'm not sure how much and you wanted to buy but you are about 3 hours away from where I am.. I was at HD two days ago and they had a ton of it left.

If a few of you from where you live want some it maybe worth the trip, for one of you to come up here for it.
SW Beginner said:

None is available locally in the bay area. However, it is shipped out of Ft. Pierce. If you go back a few pages in this thread you should be able to find the information. Goes for $20 a ton, I believe, and you have to pick it up.

I have a Ram 1500 w/ extended bed....I wonder how much I could fit in the bed!?!
Its about a 4 hour drive from here.............hmmmm???
Lets just put it this way......You can make alot of DSB's for tanks. I think if you go down there, you back up your truck and they jsut fill your bed up with sand, or something like that.
SD in Philly or Baltimore????

SD in Philly or Baltimore????

I have searched the post for confirmed location that are close, which the shortest would be a 2.5 hour drive. Has anyone recently seen SD in any HD in Baltimore or Philly. All the Delaware stores no longer carry it, just the Sakrete brand.

I am a little worried about relying on HD to verify they have it, then drive hours to find out it is the wrong stuff.

Starting to gather supplies for my new 450 gallon tank.

Found some

Found some

Well I did find some Southdown, but it took a bit of searching through some HD's.
I pass 2 HD's on my way to work and I'm aobut 5miles from a third. This is in Rockland and Orange County NY.
The first one had another brand of playsand. The second one had about 20 bags of Southdown, but it was outside on a huge pallet and frozen solid. For those of you in the Northeast you know how bitter cold this winter has been.
Needless to say I worked for my sand!
If you live in the areas I mentioned just PM me and I'll let you know which store had the sand.

Take care.

Hey Matt -

The last time I checked, several of the local HD stores around here had it (a week ago). If you can't find it anywhere - in my travels, I'll take a look around and see if they have it.

Please let me know.

I'm just below Baltimore. If I find it, maybe we can arrange something.
SD in Baltimore

SD in Baltimore

Thanks Grumpy, I know there is a Home Depot just off of I95 near the White Marsh Mall north of Baltimore, is this one you happen to have been to?

uC, how much are you looking for??? I would be more than happy to pick you some up if you would like.

sd in baltimore

sd in baltimore

maldridge, doing a 5" dsb in a120 g. Cant find a post I saw that computed sand lb/sq ft. Thats a lot. Don't want you to have to cart it all on your own. Willing to go down there with you if grumpy vet finds it there. Only limitation on my side is that it has to be after the 4th of March-weekend best but can get away during the week. Where is Bear DE?


That would be cool. Do you have a truck or a way to haul all that sand?

I am starting a 440 GL tank ( 130" x 25" x 31" ), I would need about 13 bags.

If your 120 is 48x24 then you would need 5 bags. If it is a longer version you would need roughly 6 bags.

Here is a calculator:

440, yow! I have a subaru hatchback. We are talking 1080lb of sand for the two of us, probably more than it can safely support. What do you have?
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