All you EVER wanted to know about Southdown

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I just got some bags and noticed the "not recommended for aquarium use"....any worries? I assume this is on all bags and is just their disclaimure of sorts but....?????
I view it as a disclaimer.

There are some individuals that have had problems with it. But, on RC, there are two that I remember. The rest (1000s) have been happy with it.

The problems could have been due to usage. Both times, it seems, sand was put into old tanks causing great sand storms. Never heard of a problem with a new tank.

I have personally used about 30 bags without incident.

How would you recommend putting it in the tank.....I have an empty tank now...someone recommended putting the sand in, unwashed, than put something in to deflect water like a small bowl or something and pour the water onto the bowl....


Thanks grumpy vet for the info; just picked up 200 lbs @ 5.99 per 50 lb bag here in Buffalo.
You have to look in the garden section.

It is a seasonal item, so it may not be at that store.

I know it's tough to read 8 pages, but that information is there.


I bought SD at the North attleboro HD on Exit 2 off 95. Its outside in the gardening dept.


Thats just SD's way of escaping any law suits, if you decided to sue them cause your fish died.

Yes old castle has bought SD and will be distributing the sand this spring. Same sand diffrent name.

Yardright is the same sand as SD, diffrent bag. Same source, Just advertised for diffrent regions or something.
<--Patiently waits for Chicago area HDs to do...something! Hopefully I'll see things in the two weeks mentioned.
southdown for sale

southdown for sale

I live in the North Lake Tahoe area and after a lot of phone calls and string pulling, I am potentially getting a full pallet of Southdown. This means I will have over 50 bags for sale to anyone who can make it to my garage and load it up! I say potentially because it has not actually arrived yet, although it is being shipped out tomorrow. If anyone has any interest, E-mail me for more info. I plan on selling them for around $10-$15 a bag, depending on what the final total cost will be.
No luck in Attleboro

No luck in Attleboro


Stopped by the HD at exit 2 tonight. Outside garden, back corner on the right. All they had was Quickcrete brand play sand. Is this what you bought?

I found one bag of SD at the HD in Smithfield, I295 exit 7 in RI. Everything else there was Quickcrete as well.

Found other references to Quickcrete in this forum. I really am looking for something white, not the dirty Quickcrete color. I guess I'll see what the LFS has and pay through the nose.

back corner on the right

Its on the left side. Once you go in thru the not so automatic door, you keep going strait. If its not there, it must have been moved somewhere, they tend to do that. There were like 50 bags on a pallette. The quickrite play sand is ok, if you like that brown color.

Spring is only weeks away, Old castle will be shipping the sand since HD holds it as a seasonal item. Id wait.
For anyone interested...a friend of mine picked up 12 bags for me at a Home Depot in Wake Forest, NC yesterday. He was passing through NC on a business trip and was nice enough to check a few HD's on the way. :D :p :D

Oh yeah, he said they had an entire pallet of the sand...
SD found in Norwood, MA

SD found in Norwood, MA

HD on Rt 1 in Norwood, MA has about half a pallet left. Thanks for everyone's help on finding this most elusive of sands. :)
Has Anyone out there even seen the Tropical Play Sand from Old Castle???? IS this really the same aragonite white sand as South down and if so would anyone happen to have a picture of it???? Please help!!!!!
Yes it is. Old castle bought SD and will be shipping it to all HD this spring. Im not sure if this changes yard right sand, but yard right is the same as SD also.
Does Anyone recommend rinsing this sand??? I mean i can only imagine how dusty it might be. I wonder if I use the "cup" method where i slowly drip water into a cup until it overflows, if that'll work to keep the tank dustless in my 55 GALLON
I just put 3 bags of SD in my tank clues on how long it will take for all the sand to settle? After it settles, any ideas on how to clear off the fall out from the settling off all the rocks without creating anther sandstorm?
It should only take a day or 2 at the most. I use a turkey baster to blow sand off the rocks. Keep one just for your tank, you will be blowing alot of sand from the rocks.
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