Interesting. Here is something you can do to see if this is aragonite sand. Buy a bag, take some sand and place it in a bowl or cup. Then pour vinegar into the bowl or cup. If the sand bubbles and slowly dissolves, it is aragonite. If this is the case, please take a pic of the new bags and post here.Drowning_Fish said:Ok, here is a new one. I live in NYC and wanted to get 200#'s of this stuff, soI called the HD's in the surrounding area. They gave me the SKU#, UPC# and MODEL#'s that are listed on this thread. I too asked them to visualy confirm whether it was SD or not. They told me it was. So I flew to the HD.
When I get there, I inspect the bags, and what to my wondering eyes do I see? I bag that has LIME CREST written on it!!!! However the bag looks identical to the SD bag except that is says Lime Crest on it. Whats the deal?? Anyone know??