Exactly every store has fish die....and none I mean none bring in the same volume...I bet if you ran the numbers even the favorite perfect lfs has the same percentage of losses.....you don't like the store go somewhere else ...
its a big box store just like walmart ....they don't clean the isles or restock something the minute it is misplaced by a customer and most of them are filthy....look how many small businesses they have put out of business which is worse than a dead fish and people still shop there...it is what it is plain and simple its a dead fish get over it ...if thats all that someone can say about an lfs is they have dead fish sometimes in the tanks then man you need a dose of reality.....its a lost easier for most of these small mom and pop places that might have 3 to 4 customers at the most anytime of the day and go hours upon hours without anyone even walking in the door... I cant count the number of times I stop in a place and the counter guy is sitting there reading a book....what else does the have to do.....most stores have less than 3 employees at anytime working which shows the volume of business they are doing ...(not much) a few here and there have some good runs but they also have a lot of dead time ....now could the employee practices be better for sure but its not the end of the world like some on here are making it out to be lol
its a big box store just like walmart ....they don't clean the isles or restock something the minute it is misplaced by a customer and most of them are filthy....look how many small businesses they have put out of business which is worse than a dead fish and people still shop there...it is what it is plain and simple its a dead fish get over it ...if thats all that someone can say about an lfs is they have dead fish sometimes in the tanks then man you need a dose of reality.....its a lost easier for most of these small mom and pop places that might have 3 to 4 customers at the most anytime of the day and go hours upon hours without anyone even walking in the door... I cant count the number of times I stop in a place and the counter guy is sitting there reading a book....what else does the have to do.....most stores have less than 3 employees at anytime working which shows the volume of business they are doing ...(not much) a few here and there have some good runs but they also have a lot of dead time ....now could the employee practices be better for sure but its not the end of the world like some on here are making it out to be lol
Treetop would have to agree with you. While I understand dead loss is unavoidable it's pretty bad when you see numerous dead fish and employees just ignore it.
I tend to think that the backlash of these stores is based on a disappointment for this stores missed potential. It's a bueatiful store with such great potential.
I have spent almost 20 years training retailers how to manage a sales staff. They clearly spend a lot of money on space, fixtures, promotions and staff. But they seem to miss the last 5% of the puzzle and that is service. Service starts as a corporate culture and needs training of staff. As they say "the fish stinks from the head".
It's a great store to visit, Such fun to spend time in. But by missing that last 5% that touches the customer it means that the educated consumer, which we all are, is left wanting.