Almost as bad as aiptasia!


New member
This stuff is bad. Pocillopora. I find it growing alll over the tank. Did it spawn or polyp bail out yo?! Fixin to get on the pest list

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Yes, they can spawn in your tank sending little pods everywhere. I have had a no monti(branching)/poci/birdsnest rule for years. I have never had it hurt anything, but it ends up everywhere.
I was experiencing some issues with this. I broke off what I could and then covered what was left with aquarium putty for a few weeks. This seemed to stop the spread of it

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One of the biggest mistakes I made in this reef is to scrape a pocillopora that was growing on the glass. I had poci growing in everything nooks and crannies after that!
Does anyone know how to selectively kill small pocillopora colonies? They're spreading like weeds and choking out some of my other corals. Physical removal seems to cause them to spread more as tiny pieces break off. And some spots in my tank are just very hard physically remove the pocillopora without significant damage to the neighboring corals.

I've tried carefully applying sodium carbonate solution right on top of them with little results. The pocillopora will initially look quite burned from the sodium carbonate solution, but within a few days it looks as healthy as ever. So frustrating. This really is the pest of my tank.

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When I had a poci outbreak, I used small pieces of epoxy pressed into the baby poci's. After a few days, I would use a screw driver to pop the epoxy off the rock. It was painstakingly tedious, but it helped keep them under control. I have the no poci rule also now, lol.
My first of hearing poci spreading. Any particular species does this?. I have the purple and pink poci, so far i never come across a baby in my tank.
It will spawn relentlessly when it matures and is really happy. Most acros will, except this is one of the very few that can make it in our tanks. There are videos around of acros spawning in captivity.
Pocci is the devil. I put one in my tank when i first started...ended up with about 20 in a 90 gallon...needless to say that was one of the corals that didnt make the transfer when i upgraded.
Yep, my large purple/green colony has daughters all over the tank. Just the latest pest in a long list including green hairy mushrooms, xenia, majanos and aiptasia.
When I had a poci outbreak, I used small pieces of epoxy pressed into the baby poci's. After a few days, I would use a screw driver to pop the epoxy off the rock. It was painstakingly tedious, but it helped keep them under control. I have the no poci rule also now, lol.

i was thinking about that/
i will try.
I have only seen the dark green pocci do this. Never the pink or yellow/light green. Anyone have a pink or yellow/light green pocci do this?
I have only seen the dark green pocci do this. Never the pink or yellow/light green. Anyone have a pink or yellow/light green pocci do this?
Mine was a light green one. I have also seen the brown colored ones spawn. Here's an old pic of the main colony that kept spawning

Yea I have never heard of the yellow or pink ones spawning, so I am not to worried about keeping them but there is the possibility it can happen so if I am growing one I just keep my eyes out.